Quicken matches the wrong transaction in the register

M C Crockett
M C Crockett Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
I manually enter transactions for checks that I write in my checking account register.  When I download transactions from my credit union, Quicken matches the downloaded transaction to the first uncleared transaction that it finds with the same dollar value instead of the transaction with the same check/draft number as recorded in the HTTPLog.txt file.

For example, the HTTPLog.txt file recorded that check/draft 1018 had cleared the checking account but Quicken marked check/draft 1017 as having been cleared.  I had written checks to each of my three children for the final distribution of their inheritance from their mother's estate.  Each check was for $510.46.  Check 1017 was made out to my son and has not been cashed.  Check 1018 was made out to his younger sister and has been cashed.

Is there a way to manually undo the match to check 1017 and then assign the match to check 1018?

Best Answer


  • M C Crockett
    M C Crockett Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2020
    Thanks for the clue.  Unfortunately, Quicken didn't display the transaction that was now unmatched in the window.  It took a while to discover the unmatched transaction and drag it to the correct transaction in the register.
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