Having issues with all categories not posting under Payee list

The Memorized Payee List is not what you use to record a paycheck.
To create a single register transaction containing all the details please see https://help.quicken.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3216722
For other transactions where you need to split the amount into two or more categories, please read https://help.quicken.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3217280&src=search
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I did go set up a budget so that information sure was helpful. I am putting all our expenses in the payee list. Not just his paycheck. I want all of my chosen categories to show up under the payee list so I don't have to type them in each week or month. IE Directv bill, Cell Phone, my prescription insurance plan etc.0
For your recurring payments or deposits I recommend you set up and use Scheduled Reminders. Not only will that help remind you of upcoming due dates, it will help with both budgeting and Projected Balances.
Setting up entries in the Memorized Payee List is a good method, too.
If you have already recorded a good (correctly named and categorized) register transaction, you can memorize it: Click on the register transaction to highlight it. Press CTRL+M (or right-click the transaction and select Memorize)Remember that a register transaction is not limited to a single category. If you are about to record a transaction and need to allocate the amount to 2 or more categories, use the Split Transaction dialog: Press CTRL+S (or right-click the transaction and select Split)Are you new to Quicken for Windows?
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https://www.quicken.com/complete-guide-getting-started-quicken-2018-windowsQuicken Help! (Quicken for Windows)
If you're unsure on how to do something, you can find more information about a specific task, function, feature or report in Quicken Help.
To access Quicken Help simply press the F1 key from anywhere in Quicken (or click Help in the Menu bar, then click Quicken Help).
Use the Contents tab to see the available books in Quicken Help. Click on one of the books to open it. Click on a chapter to drill down to more details.
Or use the Search tab to search using keywords, e.g., "buy security".
Some Quicken view screens may have a blue (or yellow) button with a question mark. Click it to get view - specific help.
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Thank you so much.0