How do I change Investing Dashboard from Today to Life of security?
Just found investing Dashboard and I like the concept.
I can appreciate the need to see today's change in investment, though the quotes I see are drastically delayed from actual market.
I am more interested in seeing the performance of a stock that I own for the life of the investment rather than just the day.
I can appreciate the need to see today's change in investment, though the quotes I see are drastically delayed from actual market.
I am more interested in seeing the performance of a stock that I own for the life of the investment rather than just the day.
I am more interested in seeing the performance of a stock that I own for the life of the investment rather than just the day.
For that, I think you need to set up a customized portfolio view. Such a view can be almost immediately available with a toolbar selection to the portfolio views.
You can also customize your Home view to include various investment-related presentations. None are exactly what you are after and none are must-haves for me, but I do have Investment Activity YTD and Cap Gains YTD on my home view.