Quickpay - Wells Fargo and Citi issues

After months of varying success (and failure), I can no longer update or pay Wells Fargo with QuickPay, and am not getting accurate info on a Citibank bill.

A Wells Fargo payment I submitted on 2/4/21 was cancelled on 2/6/21. Premier Support is unable to tell me why. They told me to try it again (and were unable to credit me for the QuickPay payment). So I tried to refresh the bill to pay it again. Still no info on the bill. So, I deleted Wells Fargo from my list of online billers and tried to re-add it. Wells Fargo show up in the list, but says this: Your bill has been successfully added, but your next amount due is not yet available from your biller. I've tried several times over the last 4 hours with no success.

Citibank just disappeared from the biller list. I was able to add it back, but the amount due is way off.


  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello @mikeJA

    Thank you for taking the time to visit the Community to post your issue.

    I have sent you a direct message, please navigate to the inbox in the top right-hand corner of the Community page and check your inbox.


    Thank you,

    -Quicken Francisco

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