Closed a First Republic checking account, but Online Services still not deactivated

zamo132 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
I closed my First Republic checking account on Quicken (and with the bank). I was using Direct Connect, so Quicken should have deactivated online update for this account, but it didn't. Now every time I update all my accounts on Quicken, First Republic still shows up on the list of banks to download data from. How do I deactivate online services? When I go to Account Details of the closed account and then Online Services tab, it just says "This Account is closed." There's no option to deactivate.


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Are there any other accounts with this bank, marked Hidden or Separate, but not closed and not deactivated? Please deactivate those, too, to make the bank's name disappear from the Password Vault and OSU Settings
    If all else fails, go into One Step Update Settings and uncheck the bank's name from the list of banks to download from.
  • zamo132
    zamo132 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    No, I do not have (and never had) any other account with First Republic.
    I unchecked the bank's name from the list of banks, so that works but I don't like how it's not cleaned up. Must be a bug. Whenever I close an account, Quicken has always deactivated OSU for that bank for me automatically.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Let's do some "Troubleshooting 101" to ensure the Quicken software is installed and updated properly and that your data file is in good working order.
    Please perform all the steps in this document in the order specified:
    Troubleshooting 101 - Fixing Software Installation and Data File Problems

  • studpup
    studpup Quicken Windows Subscription Windows Beta Beta
    Like @UKR suggests, maybe look at Tools / online center, and choose First Republic from the list, and it'll show other connected accounts at the same financial institution (credit card, loans, savings account, etc)

    In the future, consider deactivating the account first, then blanking out the financial institution name and account number, then closing the account.

    The most involved resolution would be to make a backup, then create a new checking account (not connect it online), "move" all the transactions from the closed account to the new one, verify the closed account has no transactions left in it, then delete the closed account. You can then close your new account as well. I had this happen once with another bank and had to do this. 

    wags Glad to be here!

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