Is the Help->Report A Problem broken?

Gary Member ✭✭✭
Chat support agent "David" recommended I use the Help->Report A Problem in Quicken. But when I try, Quicken crashes! Anyone else seeing this? What can I check to fix this? 

Best Answer

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If you haven't rebooted Windows since you installed the latest software update, please do so now and then try Quicken again.

    Still not working?

    Let's do some "Troubleshooting 101" to ensure the Quicken software is installed and updated properly and that your data file is in good working order.
    Please perform all the steps in this document in the order specified:
    Troubleshooting 101 - Fixing Software Installation and Data File Problems


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If you haven't rebooted Windows since you installed the latest software update, please do so now and then try Quicken again.

    Still not working?

    Let's do some "Troubleshooting 101" to ensure the Quicken software is installed and updated properly and that your data file is in good working order.
    Please perform all the steps in this document in the order specified:
    Troubleshooting 101 - Fixing Software Installation and Data File Problems

  • Gary
    Gary Member ✭✭✭
    I have performed all troubleshooting steps, and I have reinstalled quicken. The issue of reporting a problem causes quicken to shut down. Thank you for the help. You answered one of my questions. I continue to wonder if anyone else is experiencing the same issue. Even using the latest quicken subscription, the Report a Problem continues to crash but now Quicken Crash Report popup appears! so I just reported that the "Report a Problem" is the problem!!!
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