CUSIP number lacking

The CUSIP number for one of my Fidelity holdings is lacking when I download transactions. As a result, the fund's price reverts to $1, causing inaccurate reports. I see the fund in my securities list but there is no way to enter the CUSIP number.


  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If the CUSIP number is missing, it means that you do not have that Quicken security matched to an online (brokers) security.  You need to figure out of the broker's security is matched to a different Quicken security.  It may be helpful to use Tools / Online center / Holdings tab and Compare to Portfolio button.  If you do find something matched wrong, uncheck the box for that Quicken security for Matched to Online security. 

    If the broker's security is not matched at this time, then you can match it to the correct Quicken security. 

    There is something else going on with respect to your security reverting to $1/share. 
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