Account Totals on Investment Transaction Reports Not Correct (Report Bug)

[Deleted User]
edited August 2022 in Investing (Windows)
I noticed that some of my investment reports subtotaled by account had incorrect total balances. After some investigation, I found that some "Sold" transactions were being ignored. These were sales on some of the DOLLAR PAR funds, and some funds that did not use AVERAGE COST, but not all of them. It turns out that the sales transactions that were affected were ones that I had adjusted or manually corrected after they initially posted. Even if I had changed the numbers, and then changed them back to the original numbers, they were affected and not included in the report account totals. To correct this issue now, I had to delete all of the "Sold" transactions that were affected and manually re-input them. I have done some testing on dollar par funds and funds that don't use average cost and consistently have come up with the same results.

Until Quicken fixes this bug, if you change a "Sold" transaction, for a dollar par fund or one that does not use average cost, after it is initially posted, it will not be included in report totals. And, to get the transaction to be included in report totals again, you will need to delete the transaction and repost it.


  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Would you please define what you mean by a "DOLLAR PAR fund"?  I'd rather not make an assumption. 
  • [Deleted User]
    edited April 2021
    q_lurker, A dollar par fund is a fund that is priced at 1.00 so that Shares, Cost, and MV are always the same.
  • q_lurker, it may not be a standard definition, but that is what we used in our office in dealing with investments priced at 1.00 in our office when dealing with retirement accounts. Sorry for the confusion.

    (As an aside, now that we had this exchange, this issue that I posted, is now coded as "Answered" and will probably fall off the radar, but I hope someone at Quicken will at least take a look at it.)
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    The 'answered' nomenclature does not generally mean anything to those who can offer meaningful input.  I would not worry about it.  

    That is the definition I expected you to offer.  Fundamentally, you are simply talking about money market funds.  
  • FrustratedinCanada
    FrustratedinCanada Quicken Canada Subscription Member
    I have had this experience with the recording of other types of security transactions. It almost always better to delete a security purchase / sale and repost it than to edit it.

    The problem becomes apparent when the the cost of individual securities as reported under the Investments tab does does not agree to that reported in the Portfolio Value and Cost Basis Report.

    Sometimes this same report shows negative values for cost amounts after the securities have been disposed of. If one ignore the negative values, the remaining cost amounts may be correct.

    The source of cost discrepancies can usually be tracked in the Investment Transactions Report. It is not always easy to fix, especially if it is a multi-currency transaction.
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