Online Services Tab Missing

Hello @rontobin
Thank you for reaching out on the community and telling us about your issue. I do apologize for the issue you're having. That is odd that your online services tab is missing. In any case we can try seeing if we're able to activate it in another way or we can open another account to as well. I'll leave steps down below on how to do so.
If yo do need to make another account we'll need to find out what is the earliest downloaded transaction in the new register. Once we've found that we can go to the old register and click the earliest transaction prior to that. After highlighting that transaction find the opening balance of the register. Hold SHIFT and click on the opening balance. This should highlight everything inbetween blue. Right click in the blue area and select move transactions. Once the transactions have been moved you should just need to delete the opening balance found in the original download. You can search opening balance in the register and delete the more recent one.
Once you've had a chance to try this let us know if it helps you out! If you do run into any issues please let us know so we can take a look.
Quicken FranciscoThanks,
Quicken Francisco