REOPENING:Projected Balances graph and closing balances are so WRONG!?

My projected balances graph and closing balances are way of due to what appears to be a wrong amount being deducted for my mortgage. I have photos demonstrating this, but my mortgage payment is 1801.72 and is listed as 1801.72 on the amount column of the Upcoming Bills and Income section of the projected balances window, however the listed value under the dot on the graph is 2541.58 and the amount of the difference between the closing balances column before and after my mortgage payment for said date is 2541.58 again instead of 1801.72. The photos are probably more helpful, but not seeing a way to attach here.


  • Steve174@
    Steve174@ Member ✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Apparently there was some sort of confusion...the last time that I asked question people seemed to think that all I was looking for was a way to post screenshots. Not sure what I should have written to be more specific, but my problem is surrounding the projected balance tool and still remains... Please DON'T close a topic that is unanswered... [Removed - Unhelpful/Disruptive]
  • Steve174@
    Steve174@ Member ✭✭
    edited April 2021
    I've done some subsequent testing and determined that the problem stems from the "other" or escrow section of the mortgage payment. When I delete everything from the mortgage payment other section and adjust the payment amount, then the projected balance appears to correctly reflect what the mortgage payment is list in the "bills and reminders" section. When any various amount is entered in the escrow/other section of the payment details the amount in the projected balance tool appears to increase by 708.57 compared to what is listed in the "bills and reminders" section. I have deleted the payment all together and rebuilt it from the mortgage overview as well without improvement. I've also run the validation tool without improvement. Any useful suggestions would be appreciated. Incidentally I'm running Ver: R32.12 build: on Windows 10
  • Steve174@
    Steve174@ Member ✭✭
    Here are some screen snippets showing that when the other section of the payment is zeroed out(as in pic 3a) then the payment in bill and reminders matches the value in the projected balance tool(3b). When the escrow amounts are my normal payments(1a) then the difference between the actual payment of 2500.14 and the projected balance tool entry 3208.71 is 708.57. Where as when I deleted everything and entered an amount for just insurance of 66.60(2a) then the projected balance tool changed to 2674.69 which is a difference of 708.09. Really strange problem and help would be appreciated.
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