My Bills are not in the proper order

TomQUser Quicken Windows Subscription Member
Under "Bills, income and transfers", sorted by Due date "All bills", I have items in "Upcoming" that are earlier than "due soon". In other words, they are not in date order. I also have a stuck item that I've tried repair and validate along with validate payment accounts (nothing works). Help! :) Thank you.


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm guessing, but the "Remind me [xx] days / Auto-enter [xx] days in advance" setting of each reminder may have something to do with the order in which they appear in the Bills, Income & Transfers view when sorted by Due Date.
    As to the "stuck item", please try running the complete procedure Troubleshooting 101 - Fixing Software Installation and Data File Problems

  • TomQUser
    TomQUser Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    This worked! Thank you!
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