OL 362 from different FI's

This discussion was created from comments split from: Multiple OL-362-A Errors on TD Ameritrade Accounts.


  • Lothar
    Lothar Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Didn't work for me; I am getting this error message whether I use one step update or do it individually. And it happens for different financial institutions
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Hello @Lothar

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community regarding your issue, although I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your FI's. Could we get more information what FI's this happens to and also how long? Do the transactions still download or do you just get the error message. I would recommend taking a look at the article down below for more information and troubleshooting steps we're able to take. 


    Once you get a chance to try these steps, please let us know what you find.  From there we'll better understand our next steps/options.


    Quicken Francisco

    JHARVEY Member ✭✭
    happening to me as well since June 29th Quicken for Windows update release. Getting the OL-362-A "Your financial institution has downloaded data for an account that does not exist in your Quicken database' message on ONE of TWO Vanguard accounts (other one fine) and one TD Ameritrade account. Have all existed and been activated for downloads for years. Why does EVERY update release break something?
  • jsilver123
    jsilver123 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I have been getting the same error it started mid June and basically gives errors to all my investment accounts. A day or two later it works then a few days later gives me the same problem This seems to be a quicken issue, don't waste time deactivating and reactivating that does not seem to solve this issue. Let's hope that quicken fixes it soon, I have three different accounts that all fail and start working at the same time.
  • mtbdog
    mtbdog Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same thing here with VG accounts.

    This is my semi-work-around, which it really isn't much of one. It's the brute-force-and-awkwardness method. I deactivated online services for every VG account. Then I manually download Quicken format from VG. Then have to re-link every account, of which I have 13.

    Pain in the butt to be sure, but at least I get the transactions. That helps a lot with reconciling; it eliminates possibility of miskeying transactions or not catching dividend/interest payments.

    After accepting all of the downloads every account will get the pop-up showing differences between shares in Quicken and shares reported. The shares reported are always zero, but in the VG website I can see that they're there. So I just ignore that one.

    Quicken, you really need to fix this!
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