Pentagon Federal Credit Union -

Can't download from Penfed - Did you mistype your password?
Password works on - but not through quicken as I receive a CC-503 error.
Was working fine yesterday.


  • abelletti
    abelletti Member ✭✭
    Seeing the same thing here. Also working fine yesterday.
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Hello @abelletti

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community regarding your issue, although I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with PenFed CU. Does this issue happen while trying to update your accounts? This only started yesterday here as well so it's a very recent error. Did the bank make any changes to their website in recent times as well? If you haven't already I would recommend taking a look at the 503 error article down below.

    Once you get a chance to look over the steps let us know how it goes and also some of the additonal details asked.


    Quicken Francisco

  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    I've run through the CC-503 troubleshooting tips. Still indicating incorrect password. I'm guessing the credit union has made some change that is causing this. Since there are multiple Quicken users having an issue with this, will Quicken be reaching out to to check on this issue?
  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    Received this from PenFed - I would note that the part about Peak Hours is not correct. It doesn't work even in off hours.....

    Thank you for contacting PenFed.

    Unfortunately, we are aware of an issue when attempting to connect aggregators (Quicken, Mint, Credit Karma, etc) during peak hours, and are working to resolve this issue.

    We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause.

    Joseph O.
    PenFed Credit Union
  • Krakat
    Krakat Member ✭✭✭✭
    I'm having the same problem. I auto update at 5am each morning and haven't been able to connect getting the CC-503 error. Ensured password is correct - can login on Website but not Quicken. It seems like every 3-4 months Pentagon wants to do something to disrupt Quicken and others that connect for financial data. Get's frustrating...
  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    How and when do these issues get moved up to an Announcement by Quicken?
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the update and letting us know what the bank was able to inform you about. Currently I'm not able to see if we're able to get an alert out on the issue but we can take a look about collecting logs to see about escalating the issue. I'll provide more information tomorrow on the issue.

    Quicken Francisco
  • scott.e
    scott.e Member
    This is is part of the reply I received from PenFed earlier this evening when I asked about the auto download not working the last few days:

    Thank you for contacting PenFed.

    Unfortunately, PenFed does not support automatic downloads to Quicken.

    While automatic downloads are not impossible and some of our members have been able to do this, the function itself is unsupported.

    Sadly, this means that we do not know how to troubleshoot or fix errors when they occur.
  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    They are special over there at PenFed :smile: I've been downloading from them for many years. Ever 3 or 4 months they screw something up and it take a week or so to get it fixed.
  • Papoon
    Papoon Unconfirmed ✭✭✭
    I'm not sure misery loves company, but it's nice to know it's not just me.

    The "PenFed does not support automatic downloads to Quicken" comment given to scott.e made me look at the PenFed web site.  Their FAQ could be read to support that statement; however, that same quicken-help FAQ also says, "On some newer computers with Microsoft Money installed".  Since Microsoft discontinued that product 12 years ago I don't think I'm going to trust anything they say about Quicken.

  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    Yes - to have one agent reply that they don't support Quicken Downloads and then another agent reply with the following is a little confusing...

    "Unfortunately, we are aware of an issue when attempting to connect aggregators (Quicken, Mint, Credit Karma, etc) during peak hours, and are working to resolve this issue.
    We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause.
  • Jim Bailey
    Jim Bailey Member ✭✭✭
    Having the same problem, I can log onto to website just fine, but can't download into Quicken. It tells me to check my log in information.
  • BradClarke
    BradClarke Member ✭✭
    The problem is PenFed is kinda stupid and Quicken is nearly impossible to make contact with to solve a real problem. The combination means whenever PenFed does something to try and "protect" their servers from load the clients Quicken uses to download our transactions show up as the heaviest users and PenFed shuts them out. Once this occurs nobody on either side will admit the problem or do something to solve it for days or weeks.
  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    Well - Something has changed - I now get a CC-929 "Oops. We're having a problem" message.
  • darbusa
    darbusa Member ✭✭✭
    I am having same problem. I sent a Tweet to @PenFed and they answered that they "assure you we are not limiting any aggregator traffic". Earlier I tried and they were having the same issue but when I asked for an account refresh it seemed to work. Quicken still does not work although it did ask me to fill out a box from some letters in a picture.
  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Hello everyone, 

    We re currently looking into the issue with Pentagon Federal Credit Union. There are some troubleshooting steps you are able to take to try resolving the issue. The link down below will go over these steps. If you are experiencing issues after performing the troubleshooting steps I would recommend bookmarking the issue by clicking the ribbon to the right of the post title.

    Quicken Francisco
  • Dena Heathman
    Dena Heathman Member ✭✭
    These troubleshooting steps did not solve the problem for me.
  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    The troubleshooting steps did not solve the issue for me either!
  • darbusa
    darbusa Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2021
    The troubleshooting steps did nada. Interestingly, i just logged on to [removed] and it updated just fine. At this point I'd have to think it's likely a QW prob.
  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Member ✭✭✭
    I tried the steps suggested and still receive "Did you mis-type your sign-in info? Please re-type your sign-in info for Pentagon Federal Credit Union." I retried and received the issue over and over.
  • scondas
    scondas Member ✭✭
    I am having this problem as well.
  • Krakat
    Krakat Member ✭✭✭✭
    Same problem. This is the answer I received from Pentagon Federal Credit Union.

    Unfortunately, PenFed does not support automatic downloads to Quicken.

    While automatic downloads are not impossible and some of our members have been able to do this, the function itself is unsupported.

    Sadly, this means that we do not know how to troubleshoot or fix errors when they occur.

    I have never received a response like this from PenFed before. I have a feeling that PenFed and Quicken are at odds with each other, and PenFed forgets about their clients who use Quicken as a tool to handle all financial data.
  • abelletti
    abelletti Member ✭✭
    Tried the proposed workaround without success. Also tried changing my PenFed password but cannot get Quicken to succeed using the new (and tested) one. Now when I try feeding Quicken the new password, I'm getting a different failure:

    Institution Login Sync Error
    We had a problem syncing this institution login:

    Will try again tomorrow.
  • wallenjs
    wallenjs Member ✭✭✭
    Just tried again at 8:45 MDT and it is now working!!!!
  • abelletti
    abelletti Member ✭✭
    And same here, a few minutes later. Had to enter my new password again but this time it was accepted and I got a successful download. That said, I don't have a lot of transactions at PenFed, it's not a primary account. But it did work!

    Now if we could just get Wells Fargo fixed...
  • Dena Heathman
    Dena Heathman Member ✭✭
    The connection just worked for me as well. I was able to download transactions for a bank account and a credit card account.
  • Krakat
    Krakat Member ✭✭✭✭
    Yes it worked for me too. I guess Quicken and PenFed made up and now we can get back to managing our financial information.
  • Jim Bailey
    Jim Bailey Member ✭✭✭
    Worked for me too.
  • darbusa
    darbusa Member ✭✭✭
    Worked for a couple of days but now I am getting cc-601 error.
  • QU01knom
    QU01knom Member ✭✭✭
    I have an error downloading as well referring to a missing resource. Here we go again.
This discussion has been closed.