Johnson Financial Group - CC-501

gsquaredmarg Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
Johnson Financial Group changed their web/mobile portal and no longer support Direct Connect. I followed all instructions and have been unable to connect to Quicken via Express Web Connect (as instructed) since conversion on January 20.

In setting up online access in Quicken, Johnson Financial Group can be selected but upon entering credentials I continually receive a CC-501 error. Credentials work fine on the web portal and mobile.

Quicken - Please help!

Best Answer

  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @gsquaredmarg

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community regarding your issue, although I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your connection to Johnson financial group. With the error you're getting we may want to take a look at the CC501 article if we haven't done so already. I'll leave the article down below.

    If you have been having issues since January with this issue I would recommend contacting Quicken Support directly for the best assistance. They'll be able to collect logs to figure out what exactly could be causing the issue you're having. If you do get the chance let us know how it goes!

    Quicken Francisco


  • Quicken Francisco
    Quicken Francisco Quicken Windows Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hello @gsquaredmarg

    Thank you for reaching out to the Community regarding your issue, although I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with your connection to Johnson financial group. With the error you're getting we may want to take a look at the CC501 article if we haven't done so already. I'll leave the article down below.

    If you have been having issues since January with this issue I would recommend contacting Quicken Support directly for the best assistance. They'll be able to collect logs to figure out what exactly could be causing the issue you're having. If you do get the chance let us know how it goes!

    Quicken Francisco

  • gsquaredmarg
    gsquaredmarg Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Well, Quicken Francisco, it didn't go real well.

    Total time on the phone was 46 minutes. It started out with me being told my credentials were wrong...that wrong credentials is what the cc-501error means. They are not wrong...they work fine on the web portal and via the phone app, and this description isn't close to the dialog that comes with the error message (Attached). Much of the remaining time was spent repeating many of the things I had already done (validation, test file, etc). To be fair, part of the 46 minutes was collecting and uploading the log files.

    The representative eventually told me that "this is a known issue and has already been escalated". I was also told that there was no ETA on a remedy. For reference, I was given Case # 874-1256.

    I would think that the *first* troubleshooting step for an error like this would be to see whether it was an existing/known error...think of all the time that would save for the representative AND me!
  • infinity9999
    infinity9999 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I'll note that I'm in the same boat since they switched over to their new JFG platform. CC-501 error whenever syncing or trying to reset the connection. I had this with another financial institution before and it was something with how busy things were at the time, but whatever it was was fixed on the Quicken side. I'm assuming the CC-501 with Johnson Financial Group has to do with a communication issue between Quicken and JFG or that something isn't configured correctly in that connection since they switched platforms.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hmmm ...
    "Hello, Johnson upper management? What gives?"
    Until that gets sorted, you may be able to log on to their website and download a QFX file containing transactions for a monthly statement or a specified date range and import that into Quicken. But no One Step Update, no "Add Account" type Investment.

  • gsquaredmarg
    gsquaredmarg Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    UKR -

    I don't understand your second bullet re: "direct connect". I have bank accounts with other institutions that work just fine with Express Web Connect.

    Also don't understand your comment re: "Johnson upper management". The error message attached above clearly says to *not* contact Johnson Financial Group because "They cannot fix the problem". The only other player in this game is Quicken.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    AFAIK, Investment accounts require Direct Connect - connections to support transaction downloads from within Quicken (using OSU).  Other bank accounts (checking, etc.) can use all available download protocols.
    Johnson doesn't support Direct Connect.
    Until Johnson upper management works out a contract with Intuit to support Direct Connect and installs the necessary software and hardware, you're not going to be able to download using OSU. All you can do is QFX file downloads from the brokerage's website.

  • infinity9999
    infinity9999 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Per the JFG email I got before the conversion:

    "MyJFG, our new online and mobile banking solution will be available July 20. As part of the transition, the automated connection via Quicken Direct Connect will no longer be supported through MyJFG.

    With MyJFG, you can choose Quicken Express Web Connect to provide you with a seamless connection to your transaction history within Quicken."

    So they should support Express Web Connect. Which would again lead to something either in their configuration or in how they're allowing Quicken to access data.
  • gsquaredmarg
    gsquaredmarg Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I received this today from Quicken "EWC Escalation:

    Your Quicken Online Banking case was escalated because you were receiving errors with your Express Web Connect (Quicken Windows) or Quicken Connect (Quicken Mac) online activated account(s) at Johnson Bank.

    Our service provider's Scripts Operations engineers have researched this issue and confirmed Johnson Bank. is currently blocking all of our traffic.

    We are working with your Financial Institution to resolve this issue, however, they have been unable to provide a date as to when this will be resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience.

    If you have any further questions regarding this issue, we would recommend contacting Johnson Bank.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Online Banking Escalations Team | Quicken Inc.

    Quicken Customer Care

    Please don't delete this reference number: {"Ticket ID":"8741389"}
  • gsquaredmarg
    gsquaredmarg Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    And in the surprise of the year /sarcasm, Johnson Financial says that the issue is on the Quicken end. This is their response:

    Good Morning Gary,

    I am so sorry to hear that Quicken has informed you that we are blocking their traffic, as that is just not the case. Our IT team has been working directly with a contact at Quicken who has informed us that the issue is on there end.

    Some of our clients have had success calling quicken support at 650-250-1900 you may have better luck with this verses the online chat.

    I have however gotten your information over to my IT person so this can be addressed with our contact at Quicken. We do have a team working on this issue with Quicken and our hoping they will get it resolved quickly.

    My team lead Angi will follow up with you on Monday. If you would like to reach out to her directly her email is [deleted].

  • gsquaredmarg
    gsquaredmarg Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    :) Finally works as of today!
  • infinity9999
    infinity9999 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Indeed! Had to do some futzing because Quicken now wants to turn my mortgage and HELOC into a credit card category instead of being able to link them to the existing accounts I had setup, but at least it connects and downloads data again.