QW2014 Premier won't allow investment account name changed, says already used

skeleton567 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭✭✭
I have the following related account history.  (Company name obscured here only).  Company 401k plan was rolled over to Vanguard management.

XXXXXX 401k Account    (239 transactions)
XXXXXX 401kVanguard   (389 transactions)  

When I attempt to edit the account to change the account name to add the missing space, ie.

XXXXXX 401k Vanguard

I get an error saying the name is already in use.

I have tried editing the account both from the Accounts bar and from the Account List.  I can't find any other account with this name either. 

The name appears with correct spelling in eight other annual files so it must meet any requirements.   


Faithful Q user since 1986, with historical data beginning in 1943, programmer, database designer and developer for 42 years, general troublemaker on Community.Quicken.Com
