Transfer transaction failed - sum not added to balance.

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Hi @Nantucketbob,
Would you be able to post a Snip of the "transfer" entry you describe, so we can see what is actually happening? Also - what is the significance of the "AE" after Savings Account - is that an American Express account or an AE credit card account?
And lastly, when you cleared or deleted the transaction - in which account was the amount "NOT changed"?
It sounds like you may be posting the transfer entry to a Category rather than to an Account, but I can't tell for sure. If there are not square brackets around the "account" that is receiving the transfer - like this [Savings Account AE] - then you are posting to an expense or income category rather than to an account.
Get back to me and we'll go from there.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Thank you. AE is the savings account nickname. I will "snip" both transactions, but I have not used snip for years so I need to relearn it. I have to go away until Wednesday. I will send you your requests on Wednesday. Thanks again.2
Thanks but the problem went away! After being away for a few days I got Snip working and opened Quicken. The savings account had the wrong balance, the deposit not added in. I took snips of the two accounts.
The next day I coded transactions on a visa card, then closed, not checking the transactions in question. The next day I opened Quicken to code two more visa cards, then checked the savings account in question. The deposit had been added and the balance was correct. I did nothing to fix it. It fixed itself. I do not know what went wrong to begin with, but at least I have a snip proving it did occur.
There is nothing more to ask of you, but I appreciate your assistance greatly. Thanks!1
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