Changing from CD based Quicken 2016 Rental to Subscription based in Nov 2021

desain Quicken Windows 2016 Member
Have been using Quicken over number of years, but the latest program I have installed on laptop, home desktop and office pc is Quicken 2016 rental from a CD which I still have.
Am thinking of upgrading to Subscription based Quicken Premier with BackUp Disk.
1. Is it easy to use the 2016 quicken data file to with the new subscription based program? Will the categories, tags, rental property details, memorized reports transfer easily from the 2016 data file to the new 2021 data file? Is it he same QDF format file?
2. If I stop the subscription next year, will I be able to use the quicken data files with the old 2016 program I reinstall from the old CD
3. Alternatively can I stop subscription, but install the new 2021 Quicken program from the CDI get now and continue using my 2021 Quicken data file?


  • garysmith87
    garysmith87 Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭✭✭
    1 Yes...and yes.  Quicken 2016 and Quicken subscription share the same data format and the data file is interchangeable between the two versions.

    2 Yes, you can go back to Quicken 2016.  If you reinstall Quicken 2016, make sure you remove the subscription version using qcleanui.exe. And then make sure you download and re-install the last 2016 update prior to opening your data file.  

    3 Yes, if your subscription expires, Quicken subscription HBR will continue to work, albeit with nag banners to renew at the top of the software and about 20-25% of your screen space on the sidebar.  Personally, and this is just my opinion, this makes using the software extremely cumbersome to use...but it IS useable.  If you're thinking about having your subscriptions lapse, I'd just go back to Quicken 2016 or 2017 to avoid the nag screen.  

    Finally, if you're not downloading transactions or you're comfortable with manually entering transactions and security prices, there really is no reason to upgrade to the subscription product.  
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