Quicken FOR MAC and missing Schwab cash sweep account.

Deanna Nelson
Deanna Nelson Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
I keep getting emails from Kathryn and Sarah telling me everything is fixed. NO IT IS NOT. They keep referring to Quicken for Windows updates. Never a peep about MAC. What is going on! It is not fixed. The Schwab Government Funds sweep account disappears on Quicken for MAC. Before the updates the balance was included in cash (which is how Schwab reports it on their site). Now it is just gone from positions in Quicken for MAC. Please do not for us.


  • jerrylj
    jerrylj Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Since the Charles Schwab update for the Mac, Quicken shows that the cash balances in my investment accounts are much larger than the actual cash balances as shown by Schwab. Here is what is happening: The money sweep funds are being counted as separate transactions. Whenever I withdraw money from the Schwab account, the account is debited but then the sweep fund is shown as being sold in a separate transaction and this zeros out the transaction. So I have withdrawn the money but in the end Quicken does not debit the account. Neither Schwab nor Quicken show that I have positions in any sweep funds. Schwab shows the sweep funds as “cash and cash equivalents”. Schwab says this is a Quicken problem and are still waiting for a solution.
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  • tom-l
    tom-l Quicken Mac 2017 Member
    I appreciate your comments Deanna. Quicken techs are being real butheads about this ... last guy i talked to was so rude, he was like, "can't you figure out how to fix this your self " :#
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  • tom-l
    tom-l Quicken Mac 2017 Member
    just spent 45 min on call with some one who sounded so bored but said she could fix the problem FAIL

    Then i called back and was told, immediately that there is no Mac solution and none that has gotten very far in the planning stage. I was told they would email me when they figured it out.
    I guess I'll wait... like i have a choice
  • jerrylj
    jerrylj Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Yes, this sounds exactly like the problem I reported. And I got the same response from support. My accounts show money fund "sweep" transactions which effectively zero out any changes to the cash balances.
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  • Quicken Alyssa
    Quicken Alyssa Quicken Windows Subscription Moderator mod
    Hello all,

    Thank you for taking the time to come to the Community to report this issue, though I apologize that you all have been experiencing this. 

    We are aware of this issue and our teams are currently working on a solution. We do apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have this resolved as soon as possible. 

    Thank you!

    Quicken Alyssa

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