Simple Stock Transfer Account to Account

Charlie Brown
Member ✭✭
Am transferring stocks from one Schwab account to another both of which I own. No funds/sales/purchases involved, just simple transfer. How do I make this show up in Quicken? The account I am transferring from is showing no stocks in the account at Schwab and Stocks in the account in Quicken. Schwab has not presented a specific transfer code.
How do I make this happen in Quicken to match what happened at Schwab?
Thanx for your help...
How do I make this happen in Quicken to match what happened at Schwab?
Thanx for your help...
Hi @Charlie Brown,
If I am reading your post correctly, it seems as though you are transferring (or have already transferred) securities from one Schwab to another Schwab account. Additionally, you apparently have an account in Quicken for the "old" Schwab account and this Quicken account still has all of the securities that were in the old Schwab account.
If the above is correct, I believe that the easiest way to fix this situation is to keep the current Quicken account BUT change the basic information about the account to the new information. To do this, follow the following steps:
1) Make a backup of your current Quicken datafile (just in case);
2) In Quicken, open the register for the Schwab account that holds the securities;
3) Click on the "Gear" icon in the upper right and select "Edit account details";
4) Click on the "Online Services" tab and in the "online setup" section - if there is a "Deactivate" button, click on that button and follow the prompts to deactivate the online services for the account > then click on the "General" tab at the top of the screen;
5) If there is a "Set up now" button > then click on the "General" tab at the top of the screen;
6) Delete any information that may be in the "Financial Institution", "Account Number" and/or "Customer ID" fields and click "OK";
7) Click on the "Gear" icon in the upper right once again and select "Edit account details" > in the "General" tab insert the "Financial institution" name and the "Account Number" in the boxes > then click on the "Online Services"tab;
8) Click on the "Set up Now" button and follow the prompts to set-up the account for downloading.
Let me know how that goes and/or if you have any followup questions.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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