A transfer transaction's impact is still in the bottom line but the transaction has disappeared

Best Answer
Hi @LG_44,
You said "A transfer transaction's impact is still in the bottom line" - which I interpret to mean that both accounts have correct balances but you can't see the actual transfer transaction - is that correct? If so, I suspect that the "transfer" transaction has not actually disappeared (because the balances are correct) but rather it was been recorded with an erroneous date (one prior to that actual transfer date).
Some of us, including myself, have difficulty with getting the year correct at this time of year, i.e. - 2022 versus 2021... so that could be the problem. I suggest that you do a search for the amount of the transfer in either of the affected accounts to see if you may have used an incorrect date to record the transaction.
Let me know how that goes.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Hi @LG_44,
You said "A transfer transaction's impact is still in the bottom line" - which I interpret to mean that both accounts have correct balances but you can't see the actual transfer transaction - is that correct? If so, I suspect that the "transfer" transaction has not actually disappeared (because the balances are correct) but rather it was been recorded with an erroneous date (one prior to that actual transfer date).
Some of us, including myself, have difficulty with getting the year correct at this time of year, i.e. - 2022 versus 2021... so that could be the problem. I suggest that you do a search for the amount of the transfer in either of the affected accounts to see if you may have used an incorrect date to record the transaction.
Let me know how that goes.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Thanks. I had it in for 2021. The register for the account that I opened in December now shows the correct balance at the bottom and no transaction entry as to where the money came from--i.e. the transfer of funds transaction on December 3. 2021 which had been there is no longer visible. It's also no longer visible on the account that I transferred the money from although the balance in that account is still also 'correct' at zero. (The reason I tried to correct the amount of that December 3 transfer was that I got late information on missed interest from the transferring bank. It will not let me add that interest money correctly any possible way.)0
Maybe you typed the wrong date or year on it so it got sorted somewhere else in the list. Or you have the register filtered. Try this, while in a register, click on "Account Actions", select "Sorting Options", select "by order entered"
I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.
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Thanks. I don't see an option for Sorting Options but this CD account should only have three entries. An opening balance of zero on 12/1, a transfer of money from another CD on 12/3 and interest income on 12/31. Instead it now has two entries...the first and the third. The balance however reflects all three. One other thing that is curious. Both the from and to accounts show the missing transfer transaction in 'securities value' rather than cash. So on the account I've just described the ending balance reflects the transfer in amount as "Securities Value" and the Interest income as "Cash Value". My other CD's show all money as cash.0
Hi @LG_44,
Regarding each of the accounts involved here - which "type of account" was each (checking, savings, brokerage, retirement plan, etc.)? Also, you say that the "transfer" transaction has disappeared from both the "sending" and "receiving" accounts, but then you say that "Both the from and to accounts show the missing transfer transaction in 'securities value' rather than cash" - which is confusing.
Are you seeing any other transactions in the respective account registers? Was the "transfer to" account a new account that was setup in Quicken, or was it an established account with other prior transactions that appear in the register? Are you using the "Simple Investing" option in Quicken?
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Both accounts were set up as IRA CD's. And I should say that both accounts show the monetary value of the missing transaction in the Securities Value field at the bottom right of the account register for the account. Only the interest income on 12/31 of the new account shows as cash value. All other CD's show the entire value of the CD in the lower right of the register as "Cash Value". I set up these accounts in Quicken (have been doing such for numerous accounts over 25 years:) Both of these accounts were normal as of 12/31. Only when I tried to correct the amount of money transferred on 12/3 did both 'go crazy'!0
Hi again @LG_44
Okay, if you are seeing "Securities Value: $xx,xxx.00 - Cash Balance: $0.00" and "Total Market Value" below those two - then you have setup that (those) accounts as Investment accounts in Quicken rather than as bank accounts. If these accounts are at a bank and if investing in securities is unavailable in these accounts, you would be better served in having these accounts in Quicken as bank accounts. Still, you can hold cash in most securities accounts (except at Vanguard and perhaps some other fund companies).
Are these at a bank, or at a brokerage, mutual fund company or similar institution?
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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They're at banks but we put all our IRA's as investments on our Quicken accounts list--i.e. not cash that we theoretically can spend. I understand your point (thanks!) but that still doesn't explain why in this case, after 20+ such accounts over the years set up the same way, this transfer trans action disappeared. Right? Again, thank you.0
It is impossible to tell exactly what happened, given what you've told me so far. For example I asked a couple of questions above that you didn't answer, like the "simple investing" one.
Also, as I noted above in my last reply, there should be no problem holding "cash" in an investing type account. What happened when you made the transfer from old account to new is a mystery, as is the fact that the account now shows a "securities value" without holding any securities. I've never seen that in Quicken.
Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Guess I don't know what the Simple Investing Option is. I just say "add account" and go from there on every set up. On most of these simple CD's I don't even set up a transaction download as there are few transactions. Guess I'll either call Quicken or just delete both accounts and re-enter--whichever is quicker! Again, thanks.0