New data file - can't connect to Schwab

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My Quicken is R37.67 and I have two data files. One Step Update has been running successfully but the Schwab dates for one account is stuck on 1/16. Today, the second data file is stuck on 1/20. I deactivated one account in the second data file and tried to reactive it. Quicken asked to authorize Schwab accounts. But the next screen "Add Account" is blank and nothing happens. Clicking to abandon the linking does nothing. I have to use Task Manager to shut down Quicken.
I tried to create a new data file and add an account to "Charles Schwab & Co., Inc." After a few information pages, it shows a window "Connecting to Charles Schwab & Co., Inc." and another window to authorize your accounts. When I click Sign in, it hangs the same as above.
I think the problem of accessing Schwab is a general problem for all users as there's nothing submitted for my new account that's specific to me.
I tried to create a new data file and add an account to "Charles Schwab & Co., Inc." After a few information pages, it shows a window "Connecting to Charles Schwab & Co., Inc." and another window to authorize your accounts. When I click Sign in, it hangs the same as above.
I think the problem of accessing Schwab is a general problem for all users as there's nothing submitted for my new account that's specific to me.
Hello @Ray,
Thank you for coming to the Community to report the issues that you are having, though I apologize that you are experiencing this.
To start off, can you please go back to your original file and delete the two new files that you made to troubleshoot this issue.
Once you have done that, please open the account that is not updating by clicking on it from the list on the left of your Quicken. Then click on the gear icon in the top right of the account register. Hold down Ctrl+Shift and click on "Update now".
This should update the account you are having issues with. Do let us know if this resolves the issue and you are able to update the account.
Thank you!
Quicken Alyssa
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I deleted the new data files (that should have nothing to do with this). I have 8 financial institutions. I went to an account in each and used Ctrl+Shift with Update now. All but BofA and Citibank updated. They are still 1/18.
In Schwab I have 4 investment and one checking account. All but one investment account updated. I found the one that didn't was deactivated. I attempt to Set it up. When Quicken gets to the Add Account screen it remains blank (See my 1/22 entry). (There's a message in that window when I try to close it, "Closing this window will cancel your Bank Login setup. Do you want to continue? Yes, clears the window, No continues. I think the Yes / No are backwards.) After several more tries, I was able to link the Schwab.
The only account that won't update is BofA. I tried to Add an account from BofA. It found all five but all were "Don't add" so none were fixed. I probably need to unlink and relink all of them.
Ever since the Schwab update, One Step has been very unreliable. Every few days I have to fix something. Quicken should beta test these updates as literally spent days fixing the messes in Schwab.0 -
I appreciate the update. Do let us know if you are not able to get BofA reconnected and we will be happy to help.
Thank you!
Quicken Alyssa
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This morning, on my mother-in-law's datafile, Schwab didn't update so I had to use Ctrl + Shift to update it.
On my datafile, One Step Summary shows CC-800 on Citibank. There are now 2 Schwabs, one with a checking and 3 investment accounts and the second with the investment account that should be in the first. BofA, Citi Cards, and Barclays aren't shown. One Step Setting now shows 9 institutions; all checked. I ran Validate & Repair and there aren't any issues. Fix It (as usual) doesn't fix Citibank.
I ran Add Account for Citibank. It found accounts, my savings, checking, credit cards, and lines of credit. Only credit cards could be added. For many years, I used Citibank for all accounts for my website login. Then a few years ago, Quicken required Citibank for non-credit card accounts and Citi Cards for the credit cards. Then they returned to using Citibank for all accounts. In November, I had to put the credit cards back into Citi Cards. It appears they are again wanting the cards in Citibank.
I used Ctrl + Shift on Update now for BofA. Summary said, "Financial Institutions Update." I closed the Update and reopened it. It shows BofA updated 1/18 (so it didn't update), Citi Cards (that was missing) now shows the 3 cards updated 1/25. So, Citi Cards still works but it's omitted from One Step Update.
I closed Quicken and reopened it. One Step warns about the CC-800 which I ignored. It showed 9 institutions being updated but again BofA, Citi Cards, and Barclays were missing.
I ran Add Account for Citibank. Changed the credit cards to Don't add. But when I start One Step Update, fix CC-800 still pops up. I tried Add Account to add them but Link to Existing doesn't show the correct account, probably because they're linked to Citi Cards. I deactivated the credit cards and then used Add Account. Now I can link them to existing. As often happens, it downloaded transactions back to November. Fortunately, now I can select all and delete them rather than one at a time.
When I start One Step Update, the fix CC-800 still pops up. I ignore it. It shows Citibank in the institutions to be updated but in the Summary, CC-800 for 7 Citibank accounts (which include the credit cards) persists. It says it appears one or more accounts have been deleted. Fix it says success but it persists.
I have two lines of credit at Citibank that I don't want in Quicken so I ignore them. From the above, it appears that Quicken is requiring me to link all accounts found as I couldn't ignore the credit cards either.
I've wasted over two hours trying to get One Step update to work. I still have the Citibank CC-800, BofA to fix and to get one Schwab account.0 -
I deactivated the Schwab account with a single update but can't activate it again as Quicken just sits there with a blank screen. I then used Add Account, it found all but adding it created its own update as before. Maybe I have to deactivate all Schwab accounts.
I deactivated one BofA cards then activated it. If found the other BofA cards and updated them. It downloaded a bunch of historic transactions which I deleted. However, when I start Once Step Update, it shows BofA in the list to update but when finished, BofA doesn't appear in the One Step Summary.
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Where is your data file located? Although it is fine to back up and restore Quicken data files to and from networks and external drives, running Quicken data files from external locations can corrupt the files.
You can easily find the file location by going to File>Show this file on my computer. From the File Explorer window that opens, you can copy the full file pathway from the bar across the top and then paste it here.
In addition to that, please check to see if there are any third-party apps or cloud services accessing/backing up your data file. If there are, please exclude your data file from these.
Thank you!
Quicken Alyssa
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My data file is local, in C:\Users\ray\Documents\Quicken. I have multiple backups. The one I restore from usually is J:\Quicken which has the manually created backups with extension QDF-backup. I create these before I fix something in case it makes things worse or after successfully fixing it. The other backups are that backup the QDF and two DAT files. Two of these are system backups (all files on the PC) to local USB drives. One is scheduled daily, the other weekly. The third is daily to th cloud with just the 3 Quicken files in case something happens to my computer hardware. As I don't create the QDF-backup daily, I have used the local system files to restore.
From what I understand, I can safely restore from just the QDF. You asked me earlier to delete the test files and now you're asking to not use cloud backup. Is Quicken so convoluted that data files are not independent? I can see where syncing to the cloud could cause issues. This would be poor architecture.0 -
I ran One Step again. Initially is shows 7 institutions. In the Summary, all Citibanks updates are failing. The Citibank has CC-800 with 7 accounts. The Citi Cards for Costco has OL-287-A and American Airlines has CC-502. Schwab two accounts and PayPal appear OK. Barclays and BofA are missing. Quicken is a mess!0
Yes, you can restore backups, but you should not restore backups that are on external drives. A USB drive is external. So all that needs to be done in order to restore a file located in a cloud or on an external, is to move it to the hard drive before opening it.
And to clarify further, you can safely use cloud services and external drives for backup files. It is just not considered safe to use these options for a data file you have open or actively use.
That being said, the file location that you provided above, "C:\Users\ray\Documents\Quicken", is the perfect location for your data file.
Now, moving on to the errors you are getting on the various different accounts in your Quicken software. What is the name of the data file that we are currently resolving errors in? When looking into your profile, I see several data files, only one of which is currently showing errors (RJF2). The errors shown are for Barclays and Citi Cards.
Please save a backup before continuing.
For Citi Cards, please deactivate this account and reconnect it. To reconnect it please use the plus sign (+) in the top left of your Quicken. Type in Citi Cards and then click on Advanced Options. Choose Express Web Connect and then provide your credentials. If it finds the account, be sure to LINK it to the existing account rather than adding a new one.
BofA is not showing any errors. If it is missing from the OSU window, I would suggest resetting the account(s) from Tools>Account List>Edit>Online Services>Reset Account. Then sign out of Quicken and sign back in by going to Edit>Preferences>Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts>Sign in as a different user>Yes. Complete the prompts until you are fully signed out. Close and reopen Quicken and sign back in.
As for Barclays, please make sure these accounts are deactivated. Then try using a different instance of Barclays from the bank list when connecting these accounts.
Do let us know how this goes. If you still receive errors, please go to Help>Report a problem and send us over new log files to review for you.
Thank you!
Quicken Alyssa
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Before reading your post, I ran One Step Update on my mother-in-law's datafile (Dorothy). As yesterday, Schwab said it updated but the date still 1/24. Ctrl + Shift to update to yesterday 1/25.
I have two datafiles RJF1 with old data and RJF2 with my current data. I had to create it because RJF1 became corrupted and couldn't be fixed. This took weeks to get the overlap synced.
My One Step Update Summary has CC-800 for Citibank saying accounts were deleted. Quicken is not ignoring the 2 lines of credit I won't want in my account list. The 2 Citi Cards updated as did the 2 Schwabs and PayPal. BofA and Barclays aren't shown in the Summary but BofA did update. So results are similar to yesterday.
How do I get them to appear in the Summary? It seems to me that the One Step process is corrupted.0 -
I apologize that this has been your experience and that these strange issues have persisted through all of the troubleshooting that you have done.
I think that the best course of action moving forward is for you to contact Quicken Support by phone. They will have the advantage of screen sharing with you and walking through the entire process with you. This should help them to better determine what exactly is occurring and causing these issues.
I apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your participation and patience through this.
Thank you!
Quicken Alyssa
This discussion has been closed.