File won't back up

deltavee Member ✭✭
My original file became corrupted, and the Quicken agent advised me to start a new file with a new name. On the first time I tried to back up the new file, a popup states "File not backed up" without explaining why the file didn't back up. This happens every time and I don't want to close the new file out of caution that Quicken will just drop the file data completely. Ideas on how to back up the new file?


  • Greg_the_Geek
    Greg_the_Geek Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    What is the full path to the folder that contains your Quicken data file? What is the full path to the folder that you're trying to use for backup? Do you have Controlled Folder Access enabled in Windows Defender? Are you using OneDrive, Dropbox or Google Backup?
    Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 10
  • deltavee
    deltavee Member ✭✭
    Path to the folder for Seagate backup in E drive is E:\Quicken-2021-10-30 Main Account-2022-02-10.QDF-backup. This is the same external storage I've been using successfully for about five years.
  • Greg_the_Geek
    Greg_the_Geek Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have you tried a different folder? I would suggest one with 8 characters or less in the name.
    Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 10
  • GeoffG
    GeoffG Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you are attempting to backup to E: and not a folder on E:, I've seen issues where Quicken has issues. As Greg stated, add or use a folder.
  • Greg_the_Geek
    Greg_the_Geek Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is the name of your Quicken data file really Quicken-2021-10-30 Main Account-2022-02-10.QDF? Have you tried shorting the name to 8 characters or less? Sometimes Quicken chokes on names greater than 8 characters.
    Quicken Subscription HBRP - Windows 10
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