Quicken deleted transactions mid-February 2022

Deleted transactions were all regularly scheduled deposits (20 from 2 payees) and charges (10 from 2 vendors). Deletions are believed to have occurred between 2/17/2022 and 2/24/2022. The impacted transactions were entered and reconciled between 9/09/2021 and 2/10/2022. I do not use automatic download features. All transactions were entered manually at the time of the transactions. I am a seasoned Quicken user for 18 years. I update and reconcile these accounts within a day or two of transactions. The entries were there for months and just disappeared.
Deleted transactions were all regularly scheduled deposits (20 from 2 payees) and charges (10 from 2 vendors). Deletions are believed to have occurred between 2/17/2022 and 2/24/2022. The impacted transactions were entered and reconciled between 9/09/2021 and 2/10/2022. I do not use automatic download features. All transactions were entered manually at the time of the transactions. I am a seasoned Quicken user for 18 years. I update and reconcile these accounts within a day or two of transactions. The entries were there for months and just disappeared.
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