More trouble downloading from Columbia Threadneedle

Is anyone having trouble using Quicken to login and download transactions from Columbia Threadneedle investments. I get an error during OSU that I need login information from Columbia to proceed.

This stopped working at about the same time I installed the most recent Quicken update. (Admittedly I also changed my Columbia password username recently -- but I've confirmed that the credentials which now work to log me into the web site are NOT working for Quicken connection.)

I'm running Quicken Premier version R39.23, build on a Windows 10 Home system.


  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    When I try to Reset another Columbia account -- one I haven't been actively arguing with, which claims it's still set up for download -- I get a window saying
    Account Reset Failed
    /!\ Quicken could not complete the account reset.

    This could be caused by a temporary problem connecting with your financial institution or an incorrect password. Please try again.

    If you get this message after multiple attempts, please wait a few days and try again or contact Quicken Customer Support.

    It's been a few days, though I admit not a few business days -- the problem surfaced over the weekend, during my marathon re-passwording session. No problem with other financial institutions that got user name and/or password changed; just Columbia.

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    It's still valid for downloading - using One Step Update and Direct Connect
    18468    18468    18468    Columbia Threadneedle Investments    800-345-6611    ACTIVE

  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    OK, so you're saying it's just me... Any idea how I can overcome the error, then?

    I've done the "Report a problem to Quicken" thing, but it's easier for me to give full details here, I think.

    One-Step Update still throws me into "Connectivity problems. Have you changed your password recently?" If I answer no ("Update now"), it claims "Success!" -- but the One-Step Update Summary still shows errors on two Columbia accounts, and clicking to find out which (it's my large-cap and small-cap index funds) shows that they were last successfully updated on 3/10.

    The error message given is OL-332-A, which your helps says means the credentials weren't accepted. I re-confirmed, and they *are* accepted by Columbia's website. No chance of typo; I'm using a password manager.

    Trying "Update again" from the summary still shows red light on Columbia. If I answer yes this time to the "have you changed your password" query, it's showing the right (new) user name -- and yes, I checked to make sure there were no spaces. I enter the new password, and again it claims "Success!", but One-Step Update Summary still says the same two Columbia accounts failed.


    I have other Columbia accounts for which I tried the "disable and do fresh online setup" approach. The setup is failing after I enter the userID and password on the Activate One Step Update window, telling me:

    /!\ You need login information from Columbia Threadneedle Investments in order to have automatic download.

    If I tell it that I _have_ uid and pw, I come back to the Activate window with user and password already filled in. Clicking Connect just brings me back to the above complaint; closed loop.

    It really looks as if something is inconsistent in Quicken's state on these accounts.

    I can try restoring from a backup before 3/10 -- and re-entering all the user and password changes I made since then, along with all the hand-entered annotations on other accounts -- but that's a "Hail Mary" sort of move, and I'm not really convinced it will work any better.

    If there's anything else I can try, I'm open to suggestions.
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    Validate says the file is consistent. Just wrong.
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    When I restore the old file, I have similar problems getting other banks switched to their new UID and PW. CC-503, "/!\ Oops. Did you mistype your password?". (No, I didn't; copypaste from the password manager, and verified a moment ago that those were the right credentials by logging in via the web.)

    If I'm having the new problem when I didn't have those problems last time I updated those accounts (shortly before the Columbia), this strongly suggests the latest Quicken update broke something.
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    Hold on, that may have been a password copy from the wrong manager line. Lemme try that again.
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    OK, _that_ one seems to have been user error. Let's see if I can get Columbia on line.
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    By the way, feature request: In the SMS-code verification, it would be nice if the "Enter the security code" window came up with focus on the input field, so we don't have to tab or click before entering that value.
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    When I try a "Reset Account" on one of the Columbia accounts, Quicken comes back with

    Account Reset Failed
    /!\ Quicken could not complete the account reset.
    This could be caused by a temporary problem [etc.]

    ... In other words, the same problem I was having with the newer data file.

  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    (And deactivating the account and trying to re-activate online gets into the other symptoms described above. As does "Fix It" after an Update attempt.)

    Help help?
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Note that reliable online synch is the feature which has kept me on Quicken all these years. [Removed - Solicitation]
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    (The "solicitation" was more of an "I really do need this resolved", but OK.)
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    Is this being investigated? Is there anything I can do to help resolve it?
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    edited March 2022
    Checked whether the problem might be that Quicken wasn't preserving case in the userID; changed my camelCase username to underscore_delimited.

    Alas, no improvement.

    I did send in a bug report, telling them to refer here for ongoing reports of what I've tried so far. It would be nice to know how deeply it's buried in the queue...
  • Loxmyth
    Loxmyth Member ✭✭
    Columbia's suggested workaround is to completely delete Quicken's knowledge of the Columbia accounts, then recreate them and hope that in doing so Quicken re-negotiates the OFX protocol. (There used to be a question/answer exchange which is no longer present, apparently, and Quicken isn't transitioning cleanly "in place" because it assumes that if it's still Columbia it should still be the old behavior.)

    I haven't yet been able to make that work, unfortunately.
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