Categories not available for transactions (Q Mac 6.7.0)

Chris2006Bari Quicken Mac Other Member
I use Mac 6.7.0, Some of the old categories and sub-categories are not available for checking transactions, typed in or in the pull down menu, but they do show up in transaction reports. Any ideas how to fix this? This file was originally created on Windows computers. I'm the new treasurer.


  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited April 2022
    I use Mac 6.7.0, Some of the old categories and sub-categories are not available for checking transactions, typed in or in the pull down menu, but they do show up in transaction reports. Any ideas how to fix this? This file was originally created on Windows computers. I'm the new treasurer.
    Hello @Chris2006Bari

    I am sorry to hear about this problem with categories and checking transactions. Thank you for taking to the Quicken Community in regards to this issue.

    It sounds as though certain categories cannot be added to the category column in transactions in the register, is that correct? Are you able to see these missing categories when you navigate to Window > Categories in the upper menu at the top of the screen? Also, where is your current active data file located? You can check this anytime by going to File > Show "(data file name will be listed here)" in Finder... in the upper menu at the top of the screen. 

    I look forward to hearing your response, and to working with you on this in the future, if necessary. 

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
  • Chris2006Bari
    Chris2006Bari Quicken Mac Other Member
    I'm unable to locate where the files are being backed up. They appear to be in the Documents folder, but I can't see them on the desktop or the backup hard drive.
    Re: categories, they are in the category list, they don't appear when I create a category transaction report (previous or new reports). Quicken will not let me put the whole category including sub-category names into a deposit transaction, for example, but I am able to create a new category by adding an R on the end of the name and that will show up in reports.
  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    I'm unable to locate where the files are being backed up. They appear to be in the Documents folder, but I can't see them on the desktop or the backup hard drive.
    Re: categories, they are in the category list, they don't appear when I create a category transaction report (previous or new reports). Quicken will not let me put the whole category including sub-category names into a deposit transaction, for example, but I am able to create a new category by adding an R on the end of the name and that will show up in reports.
    Hello @Chris2006Bari

    Thank you for reaching out to me once again and providing further information about the issues that are currently being experienced. I am sorry that the problem is continuing, and for any confusion regarding the location of the backups you may have experienced.

    To be clear, backups themselves can be located in Quicken Mac by going to File > Show Backups in Finder... in the same menu mentioned previously. 

    As far as the issue with categories is concerned, I recommend opening a new data file by going to File > New... in the upper menu and then selecting Start from scratch. Select Create a new file with default US categories (if you are operating within the US) and then choose Don't use Quicken Web or Mobile. From here, attempt to add your non-Charles Schwab affiliated accounts by going to the Add Account button denoted by the '+' icon in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. Try creating a report as you would normally, and then try to add categories and subcategories in your register to see if these issues are continuing.

    I look forward to hearing about your results.

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
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