BOA Bill Pay

Member admin
This discussion was created from comments split from: Quick Pay fails to pay Bank of America credit card bill.
Has there been any update on this?? I was just forced into using Bill Manager, and hit this issue today. I'm currently on hold with BoA and will post an update if I make progress.0
Finally got through to someone at BoA who understood the issue I was having immediately. Even though I was able to add BoA to my QuickPay Billers and Quicken was able to download my bill, every attempt to use QuickPay to pay my balance failed. I was getting an error from Quicken that: "BofA says this account is not authorized to make online payments." My checking account was listed on the BofA website as a validated "Pay From" account.
The problem was that I had been issued a new credit card over 10 years ago, and the payments I'd been making since then via DirectConnect though my bank had been going to the OLD account number and then forwarded to the CURRENT account number. It appears that the OLD account number was not valid for Online BillPay, so when Quicken told BofA to have the OLD account pull a payment from my bank, BofA balked.
The support agent did something to "Reset my credit card account." which had the effect of updating everything on their side to use the CURRENT number, which allowed the online payments go go through.
Hope this helps someone else!!0
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