Why does the Account Balance Report prompt for two dates for custom dates

kitkat Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
Quicken Deluxe Version R42.19, build Why does the Account Balance Report prompt for both the "from date" AND "to date" when you click custom dates? My understanding is that the balance report is a snapshot of a specific date (perhaps just the "to date". Why do I have to enter a "from date"? What should I enter for the "from date" - just the earliest date possible?


  • Frankx
    Frankx Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @kitkat

    In the "Date Range" field, you can make a number of selections.  If you select "Earliest to Date" or "Include all dates", you won't need to enter any dates.  The report will be as of the current date.  You might want to experiment with the various dating options for this report, because they are many.

    Let me know if you have any followups.


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