Sync is off. Categories still convert to "Uncategorized" (Q Mac)

886969m$ Quicken Mac Subscription Member
edited September 2022 in Registers & Transactions (Mac)
See the title. Previously entered transactions with any, or my specific/custom categories, will revert en mass to "Uncategorized" requiring me to re-edit months of entries. Sync is off. I backup to my main computer and also save a backup to my personal iCloud. Could my Quicken for Mac app be reading that cloud backup or something? I never save backups with entire months being "Uncategorized". Couldn't find specific answers when I did a search of this forum. Thanks for any help you can share!!


  • Quicken Jared
    Quicken Jared Quicken Mac Subscription Alumni ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    886969m$ said:
    See the title. Previously entered transactions with any, or my specific/custom categories, will revert en mass to "Uncategorized" requiring me to re-edit months of entries. Sync is off. I backup to my main computer and also save a backup to my personal iCloud. Could my Quicken for Mac app be reading that cloud backup or something? I never save backups with entire months being "Uncategorized". Couldn't find specific answers when I did a search of this forum. Thanks for any help you can share!!
    Hello @88969m$

    I am sorry to hear about this problem with incorrect categorization and changing transaction information. Thank you for speaking with us about this here on the Quicken Community. 

    If you have the chance, it would help us to troubleshoot the situation if you could save a backup by going to File > Save a Backup... in the upper menu at the top of the screen while Quicken is open and then create a new 'test' data file by following the steps listed below:

    1. Navigate to File
    2. Select New
    3. Select Start from scratch, click Next
    4. Choose appropriate default categories based on geographic location, click Next
    5. Choose Don't use Quicken Mobile & Web, click Next 

    You may then add one of your accounts in the newly created data file by choosing your financial institution and entering your credentials as prompted through the Add Account button located in the upper left-hand side of the Quicken window, denoted by the '+' symbol. I am curious whether or not these issues with incorrect categorization continue in this data file. 

    Thank you,

    Quicken Jared 
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