Monthly Budget | Allocated Budget Values

When using the Graph View/Monthly Budget option, the allocated budget values for each category change every month and do not retain the values I set.

Is there a way to set static values such that each month's allocated budget values remain the same? It's very annoying to have to revisit and edit every category each month so that my budget is maintained.

I do understand that there is an Annual View but that model does not suit my needs.

There must be some way, an option to have Quicken maintain a static set of allocated budget values for each category, month to month.


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    There is, but it requires that you use the Annual View of the budget, not the Graph view. (Deluxe feature level or higher required)
    Establish the Budget amounts for all your categories for one month, e.g. February as in the image below
    When done setting up budgets for the month click that month's (example: February) column header or the triangle next to it. This allows you to copy your budget over the other months of the current budget year in one quick transaction.
  • nullsetzero
    nullsetzero Member ✭✭
    Thank you UKR! Exactly what I was looking for!
  • APatenaude
    APatenaude Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    UKR I followed your instructions and it copied to every month but once I did an update it went back to the set allocated budgets that Quicken established. I am spending so much time on this.
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