How can I archive years of unreconciled transactions?

FGT2 Member
I've used Quicken for 20+ years - primarily as a bill pay tool. I want to start using it for all its benefits and can go back to January 1, 2022, and reconcile/code all of this year's transactions. However, I'd like to just archive the pre-2022 transactions (both reconciled and unreconciled). Is that possible?


  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you're trying to use the "Create a Year End Archive" option of the File Menu / Backup or Copy File ...
    this option only archives transactions which are marked reconciled.
    Transfer transactions must be reconciled in both (all) accounts involved in this transfer. Investment transactions (buy, sell, etc.) in investment transaction registers will always remain in the active data file as they're needed for investment history. There are some other account types which cannot be reconciled, so their transactions always remain in the active data file.
    I recommend you keep 4 to 5 complete years plus this year in the active data file and only archive older transactions. That helps with looking at last year's or somewhat older information without having to open the archive file.
  • SPDreamer
    SPDreamer Member
    I have a ton of corrupt data from transferring my file several months back. I just want to archive everything pre 2021 and start fresh. I am not seeing the function in the file menu either, to do anything other than back up my entire file with all the corrupt data.
  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    File / Copy or Backup / create a Year End Archive with a proper cutoff date specified would be the best way to cut your data file into two pieces. However, before doing that you have to mark all transactions in your current data file dated prior to the cutoff date as Reconciled, whether the transactions are correct or not.
    Do be sure to have or create a backup of your current data file before you start the YEA process ... if you don't like the results, you can fall back and restore that backup.
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