Error OL-220-A when one step update for Netxinvestor.

Ted1700 Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
When I left for vacation I had two data sets that updated securities and ran the update on both before I left with no problem. When I got back approx 2 weeks later the netxinvestor in one updated fine but the other gave a OL-220-A error and would not update. Same institution and same ID & Password. Stayed on the phone with Quicken support for over 3 hours this morning to no avail. There was a Quicken program update just before I ran the one-step update and wonder if that could have anything to do with it?
Two datasets and one updates Netxinvestor just fine and the other updates 2 other brokerage houses ok but won't update Netxinvestor. Nothing has changed on my end except for the Program update that it did when I first opened the program after I got home.
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