Quicken very slow to change files, backup etc.

How much total RAM do you have installed?
How much of the available RAM is in use? Windows Task Manager will give you this information. 80% or higher?
What version of Windows are you running?
Please tell us more about the processor types and speeds
Where is your Quicken data file located? File location on external USB drives or network servers is not supported and, if it runs, may be slow and error prone.0 -
Sorry for the delayed response. I have 8gb of RAM and 7.2 GB are usable. The processor is AMD A10-6700 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3.70 GHz. Quicken is on the hard drive which is a ssd drive with an abundance of space available. I am running Windows 10.0
eeevaughn said:Sorry for the delayed response. I have 8gb of RAM and 7.2 GB are usable. The processor is AMD A10-6700 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3.70 GHz. Quicken is on the hard drive which is a ssd drive with an abundance of space available. I am running Windows 10.Thanks for responding. 8 GB RAM may be a little low for running Windows 10 + other apps + Quicken.With Quicken and your usual bunch of other apps running and you working in Quicken, have you watched Task Manager? What is the % usage of Memory? 80% or greater? What is the % Disk activity for the C: - drive? Also constantly high?Also please take a look at this discussion about Graphics Performance and see if this makes a difference on your system: https://community.quicken.com/discussion/7915476/faq-are-there-any-windows-settings-that-can-improve-quicken-s-performance0
I run Quicken by itself, so no other apps on the go. I haven't looked ay the Yask Manager while I work in Quicken but will try that in a few minutes. I'm not too good on hardware issues but wondered if the RAM is too low. My other computer that runs Quicken better is also 8GB of RAM but has a more up to date intel processor (about 3 years old)0
eeevaughn said:I run Quicken by itself, so no other apps on the go. I haven't looked ay the Yask Manager while I work in Quicken but will try that in a few minutes. I'm not too good on hardware issues but wondered if the RAM is too low. My other computer that runs Quicken better is also 8GB of RAM but has a more up to date intel processor (about 3 years old)
I am sorry about this issue with general slowness. Thank you for continuing to work with us on this issue.Also, have you tried restarting the computers after this happens? You may additionally try uninstalling the Quicken software from one of these machines, using the steps listed in this Support Article, then deleting Quicken from the Program Files (x86) folder. You may then reinstall the software after following those steps using the steps listed here.
I look forward to hearing back from you about this.
Thank you,
Quicken Jared0 -
I haven't read the link yet, but will. I've just run Quicken and opened several files one after the other with the Task Manager open. Memory is at 44% and never varies. Power usage goes up and drops off as I run Q through the hoops - but I would expect that.
But - and this is strange, Quicken opened files one after another and saved files at a reasonable speed with the Task Manager open. It hasn't worked at this speed before! I opened one file after I closed the Task Manager and it opened at a reasonable speed too. It is not a complicted or large file but it took a minute or more to open yesterday.0 -
Just triede again with the Task Manager open. Back to slow and Memory continues at 44%.0
Gremlins!BTW, are you running with the laptop plugged in to 110V power or are you running on battery with power saving reduced performance settings?
Check your Control Panel / Power Options. Make sure the selected Power Plan allows for best performance while plugged in and while on battery.0 -
Tried the link and I get a "Permission Problem" on the page.0
Quicken runs better on the laptop. I run it plugged in and the setting was HP Recommended which balanced power usage and performance. I have changed it to High Performance. I use it plugged in. I'll read about the remove and reinstall and try to get time this evening to give it a try.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
I just tried switching files again on my "regular" computer and had a pretty good response. Curious though as Memory Usage never goes above 3.2GB - about 40%. I don't understand what that means about a computer, but it seems low.0 -
Thanks for getting back to me on the power settings. Looks like you've been running with "one foot on the brakes" ... I must remember to mention this to other laptop users complaining about a slow "fast machine".I'll get back you about the link to the Graphics discussion. It was held in a private corner of the Community and I've asked the moderators to make it public. Stay tuned or try the link again in a little while.A Windows machine with nothing else but Quicken running with 8 GB should show less than 50% memory usage. My Windows 8.1 laptop, now upgraded to 8 GB, running Quicken plus the usual suspects (mail, browser, OneNote, etc.) runs at around 60% memory usage.0
OK - interesting (& shows what I don'tknow!).0
Removing Quicken and reinstalling did not help, but the info re: the Graphics may have. Currintly is has sped it up. I will giuve it a day or two of use and report back. Thanks to everyone for the help.0
After my last post yesterday I loaded Quicken again and it was back to being slow. I shut it down and checked that the graphic settings hadn't reverted to the original settings. They had not reverted, but I went through them once again (ie. clicking and checking the same setting). I went back to Quicken and it was back to a good speed. I have just used Quicken for over an hour and it has worked at a much faster speed - and I have been makiing it work as I was entering data into several files It changed files and backed them up without any significant hesitation.
I'm crossing my fingers that this holds true - and if it doesn't I'll be back here.
Again a big thankyou to all for their help.0