Is there a way to project your cash flow months/years out using only budget numbers?

llamabrew Member
I roughly understand how I would use the projection tool to show my future cash flow if I enter in firm bills and income items that are due on specific days. However that doesn't really work for things like gasoline, or projecting costs with unknown dates or amounts. I'd really like to tweak my budget numbers to get a rough idea how those tweaks might affect where I'll be in say, 6-12 months.


  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    No. The budget tool is useful, but is only as good as the actuals you enter into it. You won't be able to project future account balances. 

    Using Scheduled Transactions and updating with actual amounts frequently is the best way to predict future cash flow.

    Things like gasoline and other routine costs; I prefer to keep those on a CC that I pay monthly. That scheduled transaction for the the CC is what projects my cash flow.

    Your mileage may vary, but the more you schedule, the more acquire your future can flow forecastuinw will be.
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