Problems with Reauthorization of Bank of America Accounts for Express Web Connect+

In keeping with the problems encountered when moving to Express Web Connect+ at Chase and other banks, ALL of my Bank of America accounts are no longer working in Quicken. Not only have I lost Direct Connect, but now have the following issues:
Each time I attempt a One Step Update, I am required to Reauthorize 3 of my accounts (which are already authorized).
For each account, I get a Quicken window saying “Account XXX was deleted in one of Quicken Companion apps. Click “Yes” if you want to delete the account in Quicken for Windows, or click “No” if you want to keep the account but not display it in the companion app.” This happens for all my BoA accounts (about 15 of them, since BofA is my main FI).
In the One Step Update Summary Issue, I get messages saying:
o For one of my accounts, Financial Institution has rejected request for update as Connectivity for this Institution has been disabled
o It appears that one or more of your accounts at BofA have been deleted.
I’ve tried multiple times and at this point have disabled BofA from my One Step Updates.
Finally, all of my scheduled and recurring on-line payments with Bank of America were deleted!! Now I have to go to a backup file to find what they were -- more wasted time.
don’t understand why, since all these problems and more have happened at other Financial
Institutions Chase, Quicken didn’t delay the roll out of this “upgrade” until all
the problems had been solved.
For me, "it wasn't broken-so didn't need fixing.
Continued to work on finding solutions to the above problems, and may have found at least one:
All 3 of the accounts to needed to be Reauthorized each time were still showing as Direct Connect, rather than Express Web Connect+ accounts. So,
I edited each account to Deactivate Online Services, then I performed an update for BofA and the 3 accounts showed up in the downloaded accounts (had to use the "Link to Existing Account" option and direct each to the appropriate account in Quicken).
Once done, I've been able to do OSU w/o the reauthorization requirement.
Hope this helps others.0 -
I've been wrestling with a similar problem for almost a month now and wrote about it today, under the Title One Step Update Failure. My wife and I have one Joint Checking account and we have separate charge accounts in Bank of America. All three accounts are linked to one Quicken account, named for the two of us. We have been using One Step Update for several years, with no trouble, but started having trouble in September, with the online balance agreeing with the Checking account reconciled balance. Trying reauthorization has only resulted in more trouble. Quicken has turned my 3 BOA accounts into 5 Quicken sub-accounts under an institution called Bank of America-All-Other-States and deleted the true passwords for the 2 of us at Bank of America in the password vault. Trying to reauthorize the BOA accounts results in locking up our computers and forcing a shutdown and reboot. Everything tried, only makes the matter worse. My Subscription expires in December. If I can't fix the problem before then, I'll find a different program.0
Martin J Daly said:Quicken has turned my 3 BOA accounts into 5 Quicken sub-accounts under an institution called Bank of America-All-Other-States and deleted the true passwords for the 2 of us at Bank of America in the password vault. Trying to reauthorize the BOA accounts results in locking up our computers and forcing a shutdown and reboot. Everything tried, only makes the matter worse. My Subscription expires in December. If I can't fix the problem before then, I'll find a different program.
Delete the five new accounts and try again.
First, deactivate transaction downloading .
You have to select the account to be linked to your bank connection.
always make a backupcopy of your Quicken file before trying anything out-of-the-ordinary.-1 -
@Martin J Daly -- I do not recommend deleting all 5 accounts as you would lose all of your data for these accounts. Rather, I would suggest the following:
1. Review the data in all 5 accounts to determine which 3 contain the most correct/current data. Delete the other 2 which were probably erroneously added during one of your reauthorization tries.
2. Deactivate online services for the remaining 3 accounts. (Go to the register view for each account, left click on the gear icon at the top right of the window, select "edit account details" then "Online Services" then "Deactivate.") Do this for all 3 accounts.
3. Now Activate accounts. Several ways to do it -- suggest that you simply hit the "+" sign at the top of the account list on the left side of your screen. Click on BofA, go through the steps and you'll get a window showing the BofA accounts you can download into Q'. Note that these are all your accounts on the BofA website (with descriptors).
4. This is the critical step (probably where the 5 accounts came from). You will have 3 options:
Click on "Link to Existing" and select your correct Q' accounts to link to the corresponding BofA accounts. The links should each show one of your 3 BofA accounts. If the link doesn't show a correct account, then select "Do Not Add Account to Quicken. If there are additional BofA accounts shown that you want to add, then add them, or select do not "Add to Quicken."Let me know how this goes or if you have any questions.1 -
thank you flyerfran, I did as you said. deactivated each individually, then went through the process.0
@maryellenwalter, glad it helped.0