Question - copying iMac Quicken file to MacBook

klarry Member
I am running Quicken Premier 6.10 on my iMac with Monterey 12.6. When I travel, I take my Macbook pro and download the Quicken file from Dropbox, but it will not open on my Macbook. Any suggestions? It is the same file downloaded from my iMac.


  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    If you want to copy your Quicken file to Dropbox to later download onto your laptop, it's best to compress it to a zip file first. The Quicken "file" is really a package - a directory of multiple files - so putting it in a zip file keeps everything together.

    OTOH, if you are storing your Quicken file on Dropbox and using the Dropbox file on both computers, you shouldn't do that. You should always have your Quicken file stored on a local drive; storing it on a cloud service like Dropbox or iCloud is asking for trouble.

    Quicken Mac subscription. Quicken user since 1990.

  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    To reinforce what Jon says: DO NOT DO THIS. When you move the file (package), permissions can get corrupted within the package rendering it unusable. If you move the file back to the iMac from the laptop, you may break your production file. It is likely the file won't open on your laptop due to permission errors.

    The solution is to make a backup (which is a compressed file), and move that via dropbox to the other computer. Then restore the backup on the destination computer. Do it this way each time you want to move the file in either direction. Only store the backup files on Dropbox, not the uncompressed file. Do not store the Quicken file in any folder on your machine that is being synced to Dropbox.
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
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