Quicken won't connect to FSC - eQuipt - Pershing to download investment transactions.

OldTimeQuser Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
Since Oct 12th 2022 Quicken has refused to connect to my FSC Pershing accounts for transaction download. Error code OL-297-A. There are other threads relating to similar errors with BNY Mellon. A Windows update deployed on Oct 12th is the culprit and by uninstalling KB5018410 the connection will work again......until you restart your computer and the update will be reapplied without asking you to agree. This looks like a Quicken issue since it's not even handshaking with FSC eQuipt presumably using some Windows component to do so which is no longer compatible. I hope that Quicken will release a fix to this problem as it's something of a showstopper for me.


  • ToDoh
    ToDoh Quicken Windows Subscription Member
    Same. Thanks for the fix.

    I just went through Quicken support. They are trying to say that the problem is with my internet provider.
  • 83CUTiger
    83CUTiger Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    OldTImeQuser, I've posted several times in the BNYMellon - Pershing thread. I actually use FSC Equipt. Below is what I posted on the other thread.
    "Windows update (KB5020435) resolves issues created in the 2022-10 (KB5018410) update. Description of KB5020435 update is "It addresses an issue that might affect some types of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections. These connections might have handshake failures. " I will note that this update is not automatic and can be done through the Microsoft Update Catalog. Go to the update catalog and search for KB5020435."

    After initially uninstalling the update that was pushed on Oct 12 and pausing it, I found KB5020435. If you go to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/release-health/status-windows-10-21h2 , you will see mention of the handshake issue in the second item under known issues. If you follow the link to KB5020435, you will see that you have to go to Microsoft Update Catalog to get the package for the update. it will take you to https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB5020435 where you can download the fix for the version of Windows 10 that you are running. I did this yesterday. I first went ahead with all automatic updates which included reloading the update I had uninstalled. I verified that the problem still existed. I then applied the KB5020435 update and have done numerous Quicken updates since then and FSC Equipt - Pershing has properly completed without issue.

    I hope this helps. If you have any more questions, just ask and I will reply back when I see it.
  • virginia
    virginia Member ✭✭
    Well, I have not tried to uninstall and reinstall window updates, above my pay grade. BUT Quicken updated all five of my Pershing/BNY Mellon accounts yesterday flawlessly. However today back to the same, will not update, error code OL-297-A. So this is the second time my accounts have updated since mid Oct. I would say that Quicken needs to correct this issue as it would seem if Quicken can connect to Pershing once or twice it should be able to do so consistently. Here's hoping for a resolution sooner than later.
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    virginia said:
    Well, I have not tried to uninstall and reinstall window updates, above my pay grade. BUT Quicken updated all five of my Pershing/BNY Mellon accounts yesterday flawlessly. However today back to the same, will not update, error code OL-297-A. So this is the second time my accounts have updated since mid Oct. I would say that Quicken needs to correct this issue as it would seem if Quicken can connect to Pershing once or twice it should be able to do so consistently. Here's hoping for a resolution sooner than later.
    If I may ...
    I recommend that you look for someone in your circle of family, friends, coworkers, etc. who is more familiar with installing Windows Updates and let that person install the problem resolution for you. It should be relatively simple, given the instructions above.

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