Pledged Asset Line on Mac

Volks Member ✭✭
edited November 2022 in Investing (Mac)
Has anybody found a solution to the problem of setting up a Pledged Asset Line with Schwab on Quicken for Mac?
( It creates a " live opening balance " which subtracts all pledged assets from all prior account history.)


  • John_in_NC
    John_in_NC SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    You are the first person I recall asking about this in my 12 years helping here.

    I don't have accounts with Schwab, but looking at this, it appears the PAL is a form of LOC/margin account. 

    I can't see the actual transactions you have, but is it as simple as deleting that "Live Opening Balance" adjustment transaction that is offsetting your balance for all these transactions?

    Make a backup of your data file before you attempt, but you can also command+Z immediately after attempting if you don't like the results.
  • Volks
    Volks Member ✭✭
    Thanks for the suggestion. I did try what you suggested, but all that happened is it then added the total asset value pledged to my total net worth. ( Looks nice 🤣, but not good ). All historical net worth values still have the pledged amounts subtracted. If I look back 6 months I am worth a large negative amount.
    I wondered whether this might be because all those are automatically reconciled? I am not an accountant, so perhaps just don’t understand how that works.
    Incidentally, also tried to open a second Quicken account on a second iMac , took accounts offline, and tried to experiment on a previous backup, with no solution as yet.
    Phone support with Quicken had nothing to suggest.
  • Volks
    Volks Member ✭✭
    As an added note: if you search Pledged Asset Line on the Windows side, there is a short discussion. Somebody suggested transferring assets manually before synching, but on my Mac Deluxe version I do not see the transaction demand he is talking about.
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