Amex credit card transactions have stopped downloading

JBL in AZ Member ✭✭✭
The last transaction that downloaded was Oct. 21; three transactions since then (Oct. 27, 31 and Nov. 2) have not downloaded. This is with Express Web Connect using fully updated Quicken and Win 10. The status shows no errors and 0 transactions downloaded; however the on-line balance is correct and includes the missing transactions (and contrary to the Quicken ending balance).

Best Answer

  • JBL in AZ
    JBL in AZ Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I opened Edit Account / On-line Services and did a "Reset Account". That brought in the missing transactions. I hope I will continue to see transactions as they arrive; we shall see. I consider this question closed at this time.


  • JBL in AZ
    JBL in AZ Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    I opened Edit Account / On-line Services and did a "Reset Account". That brought in the missing transactions. I hope I will continue to see transactions as they arrive; we shall see. I consider this question closed at this time.
This discussion has been closed.