Lifetime Planner Savings Calculations

Karen D
Karen D Member ✭✭
Does anyone know how the Lifetime Planner computes the values "Savings Last Month" and "Average Monthly Savings (last 6 months)"?

I have been unable to reconcile these two values with any combination of my investment accounts, banking accounts, retirements accounts, or other.


  • Scooterlam
    Scooterlam SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    edited November 2022
    Where do you find "Savings Last Month" and "Average Monthly Savings (last 6 months") references in Quicken, pertaining to Lifetime Planner?

    Lifetime planner is only forward looking based, in part,  upon the present account balances and whatever account contribution you explicitly tell it you are going to make in the respective savings or investment dialogs.
  • Karen D
    Karen D Member ✭✭
    Hi Scooterlam, the attached image is from the top-level display page of the Lifetime Planner. The values for Retirement Contribution and Monthly Total make sense to me and match my inputs. But the computed values for "Savings Last Month" and "Average Monthly Savings (last 6 months)" are way off (and high). Perhaps these include 401k and investment account appreciation? I get close when I do the math that way.
  • Scooterlam
    Scooterlam SuperUser, Windows Beta Beta
    Okay,  I see it now.  Good question re: Savings Last Month and Average Savings....)   My own figures make no sense.  Unfortunately, this feature in LTP is exceedingly poorly documented...Even the dialog window help content is not very specific. 

    Off hand, I am not sure how these two values (savings.... and ave. saving....) are calculated.  What I do find, in my limited testing, is that the values (and the underlying savings goals you establish when setting up the special expense have no bearing on LTP results.   At least I do not see it affecting my plan balance when toggling these special expense savings goal values and inspecting the plan result tables.  I found that only the special expense, college expense itself impact the plan result.   

    Sorry could not be more definitive at this time.  When I have time, I will dig deeper, unless another LTP user has a good explanation.   Very confusing, especially w/o help docs.

    Personally, I dont look at this "savings goal" aspect of LTP.   I do plan for future, Special Expenses and let lifetime planner cash flow model tell me, given the size and timing of the special expense, if my plan is working or not working.   Any special expense will be funded by my savings and investment balance at the time
  • Karen D
    Karen D Member ✭✭
    Thanks for the attempt and the additional info re: savings goals not impacting LTP. I have other mechanisms for computing my average savings per month but I sure WISH the value calculated for that field in the LTP was true! lol
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