Quicken Windows not downloaded correct number of shares from Schwab

HI @MartinRubenstein,
Which version of Quicken are you currently running? There is a known issue involving the proper reporting and valuation of investment accounts in releases after R44.28.
If you are on a release after that one, you can try a quick test to see if this problem is affecting your investment account(s). Simply (and temporarily) change that account to "Simple Investing" and then check the holding values. If the values are correct, you are being affected by this known issue. Quicken s aware of this problem and is working on a fix, however in the short-term, many users have reverted to an earlier version that doesn't have this bug - namely version R44.28. Here are instructions on how to roll-back to that version:1) Backup your Quicken datafile;
2) Close out of Quicken; then copy the Link below and paste it into your browser
3) This will start the download of Quicken version 44.28 to your computer.
4) Once the download of has completed - locate it (likely in your Downloads file). The filename is "QW27.1.44.28MPatch";
5) Double click on it to install the download and once completed, restart Quicken.
Let me know if you have any followups and/or tell me how that all went.
Quicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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I am running R45.21so it seems I am affected by the bug you refer to. Having only 2 security holdings out of 90 inaccurate is not a major inconvenience if this is going to be fixed in the near future. If I roll back, how will I know before updating if a new patch is appropriate to download?0
Hi @MartinRubenstein,
Good question. I'd like to say that there is a definitive way to know.
I thought this was possible when Quicken indicated the following earlier this week - see this LINK. Unfortunately no progress has been reported or delivered as of today.
I suggest that you monitor LINK I posted above, since that seems like the only specific mention of this issue and what Quicken plans to do about it.
Hope this helps.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Quicken support says the issue you noted above regarding options was fixed with the current release. I still have the same issue on that release (R45.21). Even though new transactions are being downloaded from the security in question (SNVXX) and the Quicken share balance is correctly updated, the reconcile comparison to what Quicken says Schwab is reporting is still wrong. The "reported" balance isn't changing with the additional transactions. This seems like a different bug.1