Budget Reports - or Lack of?

KatF Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed, Member ✭✭
edited January 2023 in Before you Buy
I've been trying Quicken for a week so far. I am an accountant and have a detailed budget of what I am allowed to spend each month. I have not been able to find a way to see my budget in a report? It seems incomprehensible that there are no budget vs actual reports (showing numbers) other than two color charts? Is there something I'm missing about being able to print my budget and Actual vs Budget reports? (I need reports - not chart pictures).

Best Answer

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Use the Desktop version of Quicken for Mac or Quicken for Windows to set up your account registers, budgets, etc. You'll find your budget viewing and reporting needs covered there.
    The Quicken on the Web app or Quicken on your smartphone are meant to support your on-the-go needs, not totally replace the needs for a PC - based program.


  • bobbakerarizona
    bobbakerarizona Member ✭✭✭
    I use Reports/Spending/Current Budget.
    I hide the graph so I just get the budget vs. acutals.

  • KatF
    KatF Quicken Windows Subscription Unconfirmed, Member ✭✭
    It looks like this is not an option on the Web version.. I will try it when I get home. Thanks!
  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Use the Desktop version of Quicken for Mac or Quicken for Windows to set up your account registers, budgets, etc. You'll find your budget viewing and reporting needs covered there.
    The Quicken on the Web app or Quicken on your smartphone are meant to support your on-the-go needs, not totally replace the needs for a PC - based program.
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