Automatic Entry of Transfers Stopped Working

MJRUSS Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
When I first got Quicken I could enter a transfer from checking to savings in the checking account, and the amount would automatically appear in savings. I just had to make sure to categorize it as "XFER" and pick "Savings" in the appropriate field. Without warning a month or so ago that stopped working. I cannot tell if it was right after an update as I didn't notice it at first.

It could be something I am doing wrong, so if someone wants to walk me through how to make the entry in one account so the transfer appears in the other, I'm game. It might be exactly what I'm already doing, but never hurts to check.

If it isn't me, then there's a bug. Does Quicken read forums or should I report it somehow?


    MJRUSS Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭
    Perfect, thank you! That got it functioning again.
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