Moving current top level categories into a new top level category

THEmikehd Member ✭✭✭
My current retirement financial planning splits personal expenses into three major categories: Basic Living Expenses, Projects, and Healthcare. I'm funding each of these categories from different sources so want to see in my budget a top level summary of them.


If I move a current top level category into one of the new ones above, will the current top level category's sub-categories (and any subs of subs) likewise move? I hope so, but am cautious about experimenting with these changes.

Will this change then be visualized in the budget reflecting the new category hierarchy? This is an important goal for me.

Are there any ramifications on previous years' budget views? I suspect they will also change, reflecting this new hierarchy. I think this will be ok.

Any other potential impacts or issues this could cause?

There may be a better solution. Please feel free to share your thoughts.
Mike - Quicken Deluxe - latest version always

Best Answer

  • THEmikehd
    THEmikehd Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Well I took a calculated risk and tried my idea. It achieves my goals. The report view should work well for my intents. Haven't seen any negative consequences yet.
    Mike - Quicken Deluxe - latest version always


  • THEmikehd
    THEmikehd Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Well I took a calculated risk and tried my idea. It achieves my goals. The report view should work well for my intents. Haven't seen any negative consequences yet.
    Mike - Quicken Deluxe - latest version always
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