Number of Shares on Portfolio page not updated after entering transactions

J-C Bailly
J-C Bailly Member ✭✭✭
edited February 2023 in Investing (Mac)
I made the update yesterday evening to the latest Mac version Version 6.11.2 (Build 611.47329.100).

This morning I bought 100 shares in a security where I already had 100 shares. The purchase is correctly entered into the Transaction page and it reflects the correct total number of shares (200).

However, when I switch to the Portfolio page, the same security shows only 100 shares! and the total amount invested in that security shows no sign of my transaction of today.

I made three other transactions today in two other shares which were not reflected on the Portfolio page as well...! The Transaction page is correct.

So it looks like the Portfolio page is not "connected" anymore with the Transaction page!!!

Is that a bug in the latest release?


  • Jon
    Jon SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited January 2023
    I think if you look at the date on the portfolio page you will see it is showing you your portfolio as of yesterday, not today. I'm not sure when the portfolio page will move ahead to today - probably either when the market opens (9:30 am EST) or after the market closes (4pm EST); I haven't paid attention to that. You can type today's date in the date field if you want to move it ahead early.
  • Gilles9
    Gilles9 Windows Beta, Mac Beta Beta
    edited January 2023
    @Jon "I'm not sure when the portfolio page will move ahead to today"

    It is when the market opens
  • J-C Bailly
    J-C Bailly Member ✭✭✭
    Thank you both for this input. I was referring to transactions made on foreign stock exchanges (Frankfurt and Zurich), obviously if the "connection" from the Transaction to the Portfolio page is subordinated to the US market timing, then I understand. Incidentally, when I reopened my Portfolio page a few minutes ago, it was updated and accurate!!!
  • Gilles9
    Gilles9 Windows Beta, Mac Beta Beta
    J-C Bailly said:Portfolio page is subordinated to the US market timing, 
    Yes it is, even for Market Holidays, when the Market is closed in the USA due to a Holiday, then the Portfolio will not show the current date, it will show the previous opened date, which makes it a pain for Canadian residents who do not share all the same Market Holidays
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