Manual matches list to candidates to match against

Hi @fmullin,
Which Quicken release are you currently running? Did you first observe this behavior or current problem after installing that release? Also, which download method are you using for this particular account?
Any additional information will help us to understand what may be happening and why.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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Version R46.12, Build 27.146.12. I entered transactions from 2022 (11/15 and 12/15) for my 729 account drawing funds from my BofA account. The BofA account now had these transfer transactions and the download transactions for those dates. But when I tried to link them, the download transactions weren't displayed0
Hi again @fmullin,
I suggest that you check your Quicken settings for investments. Go to "Edit" > "Preferences" > "Downloaded transactions" and look at the top section "After downloading transactions". If the "Automatically add to investment transaction lists" is checked - uncheck it.
Let me know how that goes.
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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None of the three choices there are checked. Note that I'm not downloading investment transactions for my 729 account, but entering them manually. After I do that, my BofA account has added "uncleared" transactions. When I click those transactions to match them, I get a dialog showing the uncleared transaction, but NO download transaction.0
Hi again @fmullin
Are these very recent transactions? When you say "After I do that, my BofA account has added "uncleared" transactions" - what do you mean by "uncleared"? And by any chance, at the bottom of the account register for this account are you seeing a third tab titled "Pending Transactions"?
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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I have an investment account (my 519 plans). I manually enter "buy" transactions for that account. You'll note that the lower left region let's you set where the cash comes from, and I select my BofA account. When I then go to the BofA account, the left column for these transactions list them as "uncleared" (there are no pending transactions for the account).0
Hi again @fmullin,
Sorry that we've been going back and forth a bit. However I believe that I understand your question/issue.
I get it that you are making investments (and manually recording them in Quicken) and then "paying for" those investments with funds from a BofA bank account. I think that you are saying that you no longer see those transactions when you download from BofA. Is that correct?
If so, - at the very bottom of the BofA account in Quicken - does the amount of the "Online Balance" (on the left hand side) equal the "Ending Balance" (on the right hand side)? If it does not - is the difference the total of the share purchases?
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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That's not correct. My BofA register has the following items:
Uncleared 12/15/2022 Security Name $100
12/16/2022 Aktrp $100
The uncleared transition is the one I entered in my investment account. The Aktrp is the transaction automatically downloaded into my BofA account. Both transaction reduce the balance in the BofA account (since they are both funding purchases). I'm trying to link the uncleared transaction to the Artrp transaction so that only one reduces my balance. But the latter isn't listed when I attempt it.0 -
Hi again @fmullin
So, your last post is the first mention of an "investment" called "Aktrp" in the apparent amount of "$100."
I believe this could be a contribution to an Arkansas 529 Plan, but that is merely conjecture on my part since you never mentioned it above.
In addition, you have now more clearly stated your problem - which it seems is to "link the uncleared transaction to the Arkansas 529 Plan (i.e. - my interpretation) transaction". And the problem is that such a link "isn't listed when I attempt it".
All that being said, my suggestion - to fix this mess - is to simply:
a) delete any any all downloaded transactions related to this matter, and;
b) record a manual transaction (or transactions - if necessary) in Quicken that indicate that you made a payment of $100.00 to the 529 plan and that that payment reduced the balance in whatever account you used to make the payment (which I am not sure of the actual account that you used).
I really hope that this is helpful, but wish that I was more confident that it is.
Take care,
FrankxQuicken Home, Business & Rental Property - Windows 10-Home Version
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