Actuals not showing in Budget Tool

Trying hard to build an accurate Budget this year. Setting budgets for expenses and when I display with "Details" to show "BUDGET ACTUAL BALANCE" the only actuals that show are expenses directly from my checking Account. Any actuals that have been charged to my credit card Account do no show in the tool. The expenses were entered into CC Account with the correct Expense Category that is being displayed on Budgeting Tool.

Best Answer

  • Bob_L
    Bob_L SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Verify that the credit card account is included in the budget.  Do that from the budget actions button on the upper right side of the budget page.

    Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Home


  • Bob_L
    Bob_L SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Verify that the credit card account is included in the budget.  Do that from the budget actions button on the upper right side of the budget page.

    Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Home

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