Use Mac screen sharing to access Quicken app and data file on a separate computer

I've read all the warnings to not use a server or cloud host from which to access my data file as it can cause corruption. Makes sense.

I have both a Mac laptop and a Mac desktop computer at home. I keep the Quicken data file on my laptop, so I have it with me always, whether at home or when traveling. However, when I'm home, I'm usually using the desktop computer, and I'm wondering if it's problematic to use Mac's Screen Sharing capability to access my laptop and the Quicken data file. My thinking is that it's fine, because with Screen Sharing, I'm actually using the Quicken app that's on my laptop to access the data file also on my laptop.

Again, it seems to me that doesn't violate the integrity of the file, but is there something I'm missing?

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    You're not missing anything. It is perfectly fine to use screen sharing to access the file on your laptop from your desktop. 

    One thing to consider: if you only need to reference the file from the desktop but not make changes, you could save a backup to the desktop then open that locally. If you make any changes, they would not be saved in the master file on your laptop, so this would only be a reference copy. Advantages are that it may be more responsive and display in better resolution. Another advantage is that it gives you a backup on a separate machine in case your laptop is lost or damaged. Disadvantage is that you have to be careful not to trigger any online process, or the master file will bug you about resetting the cloud when you open it. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s


  • RickO
    RickO SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    Answer ✓
    You're not missing anything. It is perfectly fine to use screen sharing to access the file on your laptop from your desktop. 

    One thing to consider: if you only need to reference the file from the desktop but not make changes, you could save a backup to the desktop then open that locally. If you make any changes, they would not be saved in the master file on your laptop, so this would only be a reference copy. Advantages are that it may be more responsive and display in better resolution. Another advantage is that it gives you a backup on a separate machine in case your laptop is lost or damaged. Disadvantage is that you have to be careful not to trigger any online process, or the master file will bug you about resetting the cloud when you open it. 
    Quicken Mac Subscription; Quicken Mac user since the early 90s
  • Slappytown
    Thanks for the quick response! And good suggestion re saving to desktop as a reference copy. But after just trying screen sharing and working in my accounts that way, I think the responsiveness and resolution are fine, especially since I have pretty fast connectivity at home. Also I save my backups to my iCloud Documents folder, for just such a laptop disaster scenario. Thanks again for your help!
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