Split transactions that total to zero do not post sign of each detail properly

ShirJean Quicken Windows Subscription Member
For Example: I enter a split transaction as a positive number, such as an Amazon purchase, that is one or more purchases and then a credit as a negative number (such as rebate, discount, gift card etc) that causes the total to be zero. The result is either it switches the sign of each detail line or causes them to report with the incorrect sign in a report. I have reported this to Quicken and they have escalated it for review. Get around was to enter it with the incorrect sign when you know the total transaction is zero. I have not tested this get-around enough to see if it is consistent. I have the Quicken Subscription so I have the most recent version. I have seen it on an older version from 2013 also. Anyone else experiencing this?


  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have seen this issue arise sporadically.  I suspect typically this problem relates to whether Quicken interprets the initial part of the transaction as a credit or debit, withdrawal or deposit, purchase or payment as applicable to the account.  I don't know what its key is when it ends up being a $0 transactions. 

    You might also try first entering it as a purchase for $X total splitting those parts as needed and entering that transaction.  Then apply the credits that bring it to $0 total when you click the Adjust button.  by doing that the transaction should remain as a 'purchase' of $0.
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