Scheduled monthly transaction started to show twice in reports. Cant delete one without both

Best Answer
That looks to me more like the often discussed and as yet unsolved paycheck split problem.
Somebody else will have to chime in here with advice. All I can say is to try and ignore it as best as you can. Quicken programmers are working on a fix. If and when they release it, you should be able to correctly process new paychecks and permanently fix any older, bad ones.
Are you talking about transfer transactions, e.g., from checking to pay credit card or from checking to savings?
For best results manually enter transfer transactions into your register BEFORE you download transactions from the bank which contain the transfer confirmations. For recurring transfers use scheduled reminders and enter them a day or two before the due date.
Be sure to use distinct Payee Names for each transfer / credit card payment to avoid confusing Quicken - memorized payee entries.
That takes the guesswork out of the download process. Because a correctly entered transfer transaction already exists in your account registers, the download process should just match the downloaded transfer transaction to the existing one in both accounts.As far as which of two transfer transactions to delete ...
- one should be correctly categorized to show the name of the transfer-to account in brackets, e.g., [MyVISA 1234]
- the other one should be missing a category or be categorized to the same account the transaction is in, e.g. in MyChecking it's categorized to [MyChecking]
in that case, the 2nd transaction is the one to delete.
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No, its a scheduled transaction of a paycheck into my checking account. I approve the scheduled transaction. then when I download the transaction from my bank. I approve it. And it all looks correct in the register. But when I pull a report it shows up twice, and doubles the amounts for some reason. See screen shots below. It shows one as salary in income and another in uncategorized in expenses.0
That looks to me more like the often discussed and as yet unsolved paycheck split problem.
Somebody else will have to chime in here with advice. All I can say is to try and ignore it as best as you can. Quicken programmers are working on a fix. If and when they release it, you should be able to correctly process new paychecks and permanently fix any older, bad ones.