Impossible Alert - Do not understand it and cannot fix it

Tough finding the right category for Alert issues. If I missed it, please move mods.
I have a CASH account. It has no reminders, never had an online transaction. Attached to no Online Biller. Sits there. It is literally Cash On Hand.
I add to it when I sell something (rare - once a month?) and when I spend cash (also rare now-a-days) I do a manual entry to debit.
But, starting about 2 weeks ago I get the following:
If I delete the alert, it is recreated the next day. The date changes to current every day whether deleted or left alone. Never goes away even though I have these Alerts set to show for only a week.
There are no bills or deposits possible for this account.
How do I correct this?
You could try a file validate or super-validate.
Also in Tools>Manage Bill & Income Reminders>Options, turn off Suggest Reminders and delete any current suggested reminders.
It doesn't solve the underlying problem causing the alert but in Alerts Center>Setup you can turn off all Scheduled Reminder alerts by unchecking the relevant box.
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Thanks Markus.
Va;lidate is not the first thing that usually comes to mind, but worth a try.
I would not want to turn off reminders of any kind I have selected. Won't identify the problem and will lose more than I gain.
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For clarification, turning off suggested reminders would not impact the reminders you rely on. Also, turning off an alert does not prevent the reminder from displaying in the register or projected spending screens.
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My bad on semantics. I rely on ALL reminders and appreciate all real Alerts. Unsure on "suggested reminders". So let me look :)………….
OK found "suggested reminders" But since there are none and no remionders for that account cannot see how that false Alert is created.
I removed it again today. Let's see if it is back in the morning.
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And it is back with today's date again this morning. Truly makes no sense.
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OK, called suport. We are baffled. Of course validated and super validated and no error. So kicked up to tier two or three.
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OK, got so tired of this I closed the account. Then copied over this year's transactions to a new account. Hid the old one and have not seen a false alert since. Been 3 days now.
So it appears something in the account was corrupt even though there was no reminder connected to that account at all.